The Body Soul Alignment Solutions Set


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The Body-Soul Alignment Solutions Set

The Body-Soul Alignment Solutions assist in creating optimal physical health through Spiritual Healing. They address body-Soul alignment issues (e.g. body image, eating addictions, over/under weight and physical dis-ease) at their source. They support the release of denial and suppression patterns and the healing of core emotional, mental and spiritual wounds. The goal is to place the body under the direction of the Soul and to use the body correctly as an instrument for Soul expression.

The Body-Soul Alignment Solutions (6 x15ml flower essences) includes:

ENLIGHTENED PATTERNS – Enlightened Patterns assists you in substituting expansive Soul-based patterns for limiting ego/personality-based ones. All patterns of behavior, emotional response and thought are chosen by you for reasons that ‘make sense’ at the time. The patterns you now recognize as maladaptive were survival strategies that seemed to assist you in coping with the challenges you were facing then. From today’s perspective, they might seem immature, even primitive. Enlightened Patterns assists you in appreciating the choices you made in the past, forgiving yourself and making new, more appropriate choices.

HU-MANESSENCE– Hu-manessence supports you in deepening your experience of unification with the Divine through acceptance of the duality inherent in human life and harmonization and integration of body and Soul.

INNOCENCE – Guilt is the underlying wound of humanity. Self-judgment preceded guilt. The perception of Separation from God, and the conscious/unconscious creation of suffering, followed. To transcend the experience of suffering, you must heal your ‘guilt complex’. To heal this complex, you must unearth your significant, painful experiences, from this and past lives; face the guilt you feel in relation to them; and forgive all involved, beginning with yourself. As you do so, you remember your eternal innocence, guaranteed though the Principle of Divine Immanence. Innocence supports you in doing the Spiritual Healing that is necessary for you to reclaim the truth of your innocence.

PATH OF BEAUTY – The path of Beauty is a gentle path, one in which the nightmares of the ego/personality are transformed in the Light of the Soul. Path of Beauty lifts you into a state of serenity that cushions you during challenging life experiences and softens your hardened perspectives.

PURIFICATION OF THE HEART – Feelings, not emotions, are the gateway to the Soul and the experience of Higher Consciousness. They are indicators of what is and is not in alignment with your higher path and purpose. They are barometers of the quality of your experience. Feelings of joy, love, passion and peace, for example, are reflections that ‘all is right in my world’. Feelings are the foundation of Spiritual Healing and intimacy. They underlie the ability to experience subtle energy. Clarity of feelings is, therefore, essential for anyone working in the healing arts. Purification of the Heart develops The Feeling Aspect of the Human Sensory System and its ever-expanding range of potential.

STALWART – Stalwart is an antidote to the codependency that veils the clarity and courage of your Soul in the face of conflict. It assists you in standing in the Power of your Soul and in becoming a true ‘spiritual warrior’, one who demonstrates integrity through right action, intimacy through truthfulness, and peace through the enactment of the Soul’s imperative.

Take orally (on or under the tongue) with the exception of a forehead application for infants and optional water infusion for young children. The recommended daily dosage is one drop in the morning or before bedtime. For greater support, increase the dosage and/or frequency.

To use this flower essence set, take one drop of each flower essence consecutively.

Note: You may eat before and/or after taking the flower essences.

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Categories: SKU: A6BSAW