Discover the meanings of a large range of Crystals, Gemstones and Minerals.

Abalone Shell Mother of Pearl
Relating to the ocean, so this brings feelings of well being and relaxation. Holding them makes you feel beauty, comfort, caring, delight, love, solace. In China it is known for attracting good fortune and happiness. Brings harmony to all relationships, especially family and motherhood. Stimulates psychic abilities.
Healing – Strengthens Immune System, muscle tissue and heart. Aids digestion. Helps arthritis and joint disorders, allergies and rashes.

Actinolite Mini Quartz (Silver Aura)
Increases self worth & achievement. A stone of small miracles. Restores faith in what is and good fortune. Harmonizes your energy so that you can go with the flow. Opens energy fields so you can accept healing and unblock frozen emotions. At home it creates a sense of contentment and of being blessed. Helps you to see your part in the victim poor me play.
Healing – Good for kidneys, liver, bowels, rashes due to allergies. Aids digestion, mercury or lead poisoning, toxins, parasites and fungus’s.

Aegirine Black
Shows us how to be true to yourself. Helps you to face your karma with confidence and integrity. Protects against psychic and mental attack. Promotes sincerity, integrity and self esteem. Turns negative thoughts to positive. Also helps you to set your goals from your heart. Heals relationship problems and the grief after separation.
Healing – Supports cellular memory, immune, metabolic and nervous systems. Overcomes muscle pain. Removes toxins.

Agate stabilises emotional and physical energy. A soothing and calming stone, working slowly to bring great strength and self-confidence. Improves concentration, heals inner anger and stimulates love and strength so one can move on.
Healing – Transforms negative influences to positive, stimulates digestion, heals eyes, stomach, and uterus, strengthens blood vessels and heals skin disorders.

Agate Banded
Called the earth rainbow it is one of the most ancient of stones. Good for someone who is trying to juggle two jobs. Helps writers to express themselves. Stops the desire for wanting what we do not need.

Agate Blue Lace
A wonderful healing stone that has a soft calming energy bringing peace of mind. Helps to release repressed self expression that stems from the fear of rejection and judgement. Neutralises anger, bringing inner peace.
Healing – Powerful throat healer, lowers fevers, removes blockages of the nervous system. Aids healing of capillaries and pancreas.

Agate Calsilica
Brain and balance. Brings rainbow energy in to cleanse the aura. Adults feel increase in energy, children feel calm when worn.
Healing – Depression and ADD.

Agate Crazy Lace
Called the laughter stone (fiestas and dancing). Regulates your daily energy flow. Overcomes fear of spiders and other crawling insects. Increases self esteem, absorbs emotional pain. Good for uniting people who work together.

Agate Dendritic / Fern like Manganese
A stone of plenitude, providing abundance and fullness in your life. Enhances gentleness and encourages you to enjoy your journey now. Helps to accept whatever is happening now, letting go of worry so you can make changes from trust, not fear.
Healing – Heals nervous system, blood vessels, treats skeletal disorders. Stimulates circulation. Placed on site of pain it provides relief.

Agate Iris
Awakens Inner self and innate truth. Promotes happiness, longevity and good health. Brings serenity and peacefulness of rainbows into your life.
Healing – Disorders of the eyes, skin, hair and nails.

Agate Moss
Strongly connected with nature, it refreshes the soul so you can see the beauty in all that is around you. A birthing stone, it assists midwives and lessons the pain of childbirth. A stone of new beginnings, releases old blockages. A wealth stone, it attracts abundance, improves self-esteem, releases fear and stress. Promotes self expression, encourages trust and hope. Encourages you to give it one more try.
Healing – Speeds up recovery. Anti inflammatory encourages flow of lymph and boosts the immune system. Eliminates depression caused by left-right brain imbalance.

Agate Snakeskin
Provides strength, inner peace and recognition of the joy of living. Brings cheerfulness to the inner self. Manifesting of love of life and self. Eliminates mundane worries. Helps to find lost things.
Healing – Treats hearing problems, stomach disorders, diminish wrinkles and soothes skin.

Agate Tree (chalcedony with dendrite)
Protection for travel by air or car. Put a piece by a photo of estranged family members to call them home. Strengthens family connections.
Healing – Brings peace to a troubled mind. Heals the pain of an unhappy childhood. Clears energy blockages, fluid retention, vein and capillary problems. Absorbs pain when placed on the point of the pain.

Agate Water (Enhydro)
Crystal which contains fluid. The fluid is very old and quite pure. It helps you to place yourself in someone else’s shoes so you can understand the other true feelings. This brings empathy, acceptance and helps you to adopt to change without stress. Enhances determination and accelerates metamorphosis of self.
Healing – Assists the body to make the changes needed for health. It helps other crystals to work. Treats conditions related to the degrading of tissues and organs.

Agate White Lace / Peace Agate
Helps you to find your inner strength and bring maturity from understanding not judgement. Harmonises the environment and encourages open and honest communication. Brings joy and renews your passion for life.
Healing – Heart, all muscles, tissues, thymus and skin problems.

Amazonite – Blue-Green / Feldspar Potassium – Silicate
Absorbs stress caused from cell phone, microwaves etc. Filters information through mind into your intuition, very soothing stone, calms the mind and nervous system. Helps you to see both sides of a problem. Alleviates worry and fear.
Healing – Heals and opens heart & throat. Dissipates negative energy and blockages of the nervous system. Good for Osteoporosis, tooth decay & calcium deficiencies. Relieves muscle spasms.

Amber / Fossilised Resin
Cleans and draws disease from the body. Brings stability to life. Warm and bright it encourages spontaneity. Clears depression and enhances creativity. Brings balance and patience enabling you to make positive decisions.
Healing – Brings vitality, absorbs pain, allowing the body to heal itself. Treats Kidneys, spleen, bladder and liver.

Strong healing and cleansing powers. Helps to overcome addictions and blockages of all kinds. Aids sleep. Dispels all negative emotions and brings positive responses.
Healing – Cleanses blood, immune system, skin conditions, cellular disorders, fine tunes metabolism and endocrine system.

Amethyst Pineapples
Looking like turrets of a castle, this stone helps us to reconnect with our childlike qualities by stimulating the imagination. Powerful healer for the family.

Amethyst Red Aura (From the Amazon) Hematite
It has a soft and subtle Spiritual energy. It will bring together your Spiritual self with your physical body. Read Amethyst and Hematite, as these are joined in this beautiful crystal.

Powerful combination of Amethyst and Citrine. It is fast and effective especially for long standing illness. Clears tension and calms the mind. Enhances acceptance of oneself and others. Releases blockages making room for new experiences.
Healing – Powerful cleanser for Aura, toxins and blood. Stabilises DNA and oxygenates the body.

Ammolite (Opalised Ammonite Shell)
Represents coming full circle, it has the soul’s path encoded within it, activates personal empowerment. Converts negative energy into a gently flowing positive spiral. It is called the seven colour prosperity stone. It stimulates the flow of Qi life force through the body.
Healing – Overall well-being and longevity, cell metabolism, depression, labour pain, otitis and tinnitus. Stabilises pulse, supports the cranium, inner ear, lungs and limbs.

Ammonite (Sea Animal) – Shell of Aradonite
Help you to see the whole picture from the beginning to the end. Good for architects. A protective stone, gives stability and structure. Encourages our survival instinct. Good for the process of re-birthing. Linked to Akashic records.
Healing – Treats lung and limbs and rectifies degenerative disorders.

Anandalite (Aurora Rainbow)(Divine Bliss from Himalaya)
Enhances self awakening and helps fulfill ones destiny and true potential. Brings joy and happiness; eases disappointment. Works on all Chakras (energy centres) Aids connection to your higher knowing.
Healing – Energy Vibration healing throughout the whole body.

Angel Phantom (Amphibole) Brazil
Used to make contact with the higher realms and angelic beings. This crystal has a beautiful sweet energy that resonates strongly with the higher chakras. A smooth, peaceful energy that helps you to let go of negativity and keep a positive outlook.

Angelite (A form of Celestite) – Anhydrite
A stone of awareness, peace & brotherhood. Helps you to speak your truth, become more compassionate. Creates a great feeling of peace & tranquillity. Raises awareness, stimulates healing & facilitates telepathic contact. Enhances astrological understanding.
Healing – Unlocks mericlians when put at the feet. Helps to balance thyroid, repairs tissues & blood vessels. A diuretic it is useful in weight control.

Antigorite (variety of Serpentine)
Stimulates the structure of your life. Releases negativity from the body. Activates your intuition. Assists in the removal from the etheric body, attachment from yourself to another. Brings change and positive loving energy to all things.
Healing – Spinal alignment, correction to cellular disorders, releases toxins from the body.

Apache Gold
Aligns the bodies magnetism with the earth’s magnetism. Enhances your sensitivity to earths energy and your connection to the planet. Prevents emotional and physical burnout.

Apache Tears – Black Obsidian (USA, Mexico)
They heal grief and provide protection and grounding. They occur naturally in these odd shapes. Legend has it that when the Apache were outnumbered, rather than be captured they jumped off the cliff to their deaths. The women of the tribe cried dark tears of grief, which fell to the earth and formed these shapes.
Healing – Strengthen the body and immune system. Helps you to assimilate Vitamin C and D. Reduces toxins in the body and calms muscle spasms.

Apatite – Calcium Phosphate
A stone of manifestation. It increases motivation and builds energy reserves. Clears confusion eases tension, anger, apathy and sorrow. Overcomes emotional exhaustion by clearing negative beliefs about oneself.
Healing – Heals bones, encourages formation of new cells. Suppresses hunger and raises metabolic rate. Heals glands meridians and organs.

Stone of truth. Calms & grounds the soul. Overcomes anxiety, worries & fears. Releases suppressed emotions. Abandons pretense & breaks down reserves. Assists Reiki healing by taking the healer out of the way so that the healing energy is purer.
Healing – Works on respiratory system, rejuvenates eyes. Helps the soul come to terms with the physical body.

Apophyllite Green / Sheet Silicate
Activates heart so that matters of the heart become clearer, release old thought patterns from past and the now.

Apophyllite Red
Activates life force with great joy and excitement, a zest for living life to the fullest. Helps people who are unsure about staying here in the physical by stabilizing this lifetime, increases the will to live. Heals emotional and physical disappointment. Supports those with low energy eg. Chronic Fatigue.

Aquamarine Green – Blue
Stone of courage reduces stress & quietens the mind. Harmonises surroundings. A good fortune talisman. Brings tolerance of others. Support when feeling overwhelmed. Breaks old self-defeating patterns.
Healing – Useful for sore throats, swollen gland & thyroid problems. General tonic counteracts short and long sightedness.

This stone teaches patience and acceptance. Encourages practicality and discipline. Enhances concentration and provides support to overcome anger and stress. Calming and stabilising, it restores balance when everything feels out of control.
Healing – It combats disease especially twitching and spasms. Heals bones, elasticity to discs. Strengthens the immune system. Grounds when there are feelings of not being here.

Aragonite Blue
Intuition stone of the heart. Helps you to express yourself clearly and without fear. Good for seer-ship it helps you to connect to your guides. Use to enhance your meditation and spiritual development.

Good for sorting out emotional situations. Helps you to make decisions from the heart not the ego mind.

Astrophyllite (Russia, Norway, Colorado)
This stone illuminates your true self. A tranquil and honest stone, it allows you to make major changes so you can move forward. The marriage stone, it promotes fidelity and truth between partners. Helps those who have had past lives in Atlantis or extra-terrestrial realms to regain past knowledge.
Healing – Helps addictive behaviours.

Atlantasite – Australia
Earth healer bringing peace into the environment. Removes debris from old damage and negativity. Dissolves blockages. Clears and aligns all chakras. Helps you to access out of balance energies and let them flow through your body. Lowers stress levels. Good harmoniser of disputes and brings joy into the physical.
Healing – Good for cellular memory, stress, blood disorders, diabetes and hypoglycemia, helps to keep kidneys and stomach healthy. Blood strengthener. Good for the chronically ill.


Aura Aqua – dipped in gold (USA)
Bonded by electric charge. It has a very high and intense vibration. Releases negativity from emotional and physical bodies. Relieves stress and depression. Calms anger, cools fever, attracts wealth and allows your inner beauty.

Aura Champagne Smoky – Metal- Titanium, Gold and Indium
Dissolves negative energies and emotional blockages. Balances Yin-Yang energy. A protective stone, brings healing and grounding to all bodies.

Aura Copper Orange – Metal – Organic Iron, copper and Bismuth
A fiery combination that amplifies focus, intentions and will. Magnifies all energies and magic. Re-focuses you when you are feeling powerless and unfocused. This stone holds the fire elements and the creative, rising from the ashes like the phoenix.

Aura Pink Rose – Metal- Gold, Platinum and organic compounds.
Powerful healer on all levels: physical, emotional, cellular, psychological and spirit. Brings body into balance. Bestows us with unconditional love. Uplifts your mood. Dissolves anger, brings serene and peaceful state. Repairs auric holes.
Healing – Pineal gland, stimulates immune systems and soothes burns.

Aura Rainbow (White/Angel/Opal) Metal- Silver, Titanium, Platinum
Stimulates and clears all Chakras. Helps communication with Angels. Accesses Akashic records. Strengthens physical body and memory. Stone of happy dreams. Helps with connection to the stars and communicating with other worlds and “star people”. Clears negativity, especially in negative relationships, by allowing you to see your part in the play, so you can release and move on.

Aura Tanzan – Metal- Indium and Gold
Enhances communication and intuition. Stimulates the throat, third eye and crown. Stone of magic, aids in manifestation. Enhanced sense of well being.
Indium gets its name from Indigo. It is said to be the missing link in reversing the aging process. Helps to correct mineral deficiencies.
Healing – Improved blood pressure, weight-loss.

Aura Titanium Smoky
Titanium molecules are bonded to the quartz by natural electro-static charge of the crystal. It is one of the strongest of all metals, it will never rub off or fade.
Good for creativity, removing blockages.

Aventurine – Green Fuchsite / Orange / Pink Hematite
Stone of prosperity. Strong connection to Devic kingdom. Great within gardens. Tape to mobile phone, protects against emanations. Defuses negative situation to positive. Reinforces leadership & decisiveness. Stabilises ones mind stimulates creativity. Calms anger and irritation so you can live from your heart. Promotes sense of well being.
Healing – Benefits thymus gland, nervous system, balances blood pressure, relieves migraines, soothes eyes & skin eruptions.

Helps to submit gratefully to changes. A very good grounding stone, inspires friendship by stabilizing all relationships. Provides a light at the end of the tunnel when all is dark.
Healing – Adrenals, muscular systems. Aligns vertebrae in spine and assists mending breaks and fractures.

Azurite – Blue / Copper Carbonate
Enhances sleep, meditation & clarity of mind. Brings creativity and mental stability. Allows you to communicate freely. Opens your perspectives.
Healing – Thyroid gland, heart & tissue, regeneration, good for unborn babies, mental healing.

Azurite / Malachite / Copper Carbonate
Stimulates the third eye. Raises consciousness to higher levels. Encourages new perspectives and clearer understanding. Expands the mind and releases blocks in communication. Stimulates memory, clears stress, worry, grief and sadness allowing light into any situation. Challenges programmed belief systems so you can move forward without fear.
Healing – Throat problems, arthritis, aligns spine, restores the brain to normal function. Teeth, thyroid, aids detoxing, overcomes muscle cramps.

Stone of transformation and change. Helps to prevent you from becoming overwhelmed by all the responsibilities and at the same time increases your energy levels. Relieves feelings of loneliness or isolation. Encourages joint ventures by helping in group or relationship dynamics.
Healing – Reduces fevers, recovery from illness and surgeries.

Bivalve (Clam or Oyster)
Enhances creativity. Helps you to understand when to speak and when to not (clam up).

Beryl / Green Vanadium
A stone of now. It teaches us to only do what we need to do now. Helps to shed unnecessary baggage. Enhances courage, relieves stress and calms the mind. Encourages a positive outlook on life. Relieves anxiety. It can re-awaken love in a troubled marriage.
Healing – Aids the elimination of organs, strengthens pulmonary and circulatory systems, helps build resistance to toxins. Treats liver, heart and stomach. Heals concussion.

Black Star Quartz (Hollandite)
Reach for the stars- for they are already here- in you and me. We are the stars that have fallen to the earth and have forgotten why we came here. Unlocks secrets that are held deep within. Also called the crying stone because it releases blocked tears. Helps us to find and get our feet on our pathway. Allowing us to shine our star light. The Hollandite is an inclusion in Quartz when heated during the crystals formation, bursts to for a six sided star.

Enhances physical and mental vitality. Brings clarity to all situations, wisdom and courage. Helps to calm aggression and violence. Dispels confusion and helps decision making. Reduces irritability, aggressiveness and impatience. Powerful revitaliser when exhausted mentally and physically.
Healing – Cleansing for all organs, helps iron deficiencies, circulation and bloodstream. Detoxifies liver, kidneys and spleen. Neutralises over-acidity. Supports blood, helpful in cases of Leukaemia.

Blue Quartz
Helps to remove fear and reach out to others. Calms the mind, inspires hope.
Healing – Good for all organs, purifies bloodstream and strengthens immune system.

Boji Stones
(Smooth one has feminine energy/protruded one has male energy). Overcomes blockages, protects and grounds when feeling out of touch with being here. Together they balance and ground your subtle energy. They clear blocked emotions and heal hurtful memories. Stimulates the flow of energy in the meridian systems of the body. Also brings your attention to your patterns and repressed energy.
Healing – Heals energy blocks, relieves pain, encourages tissue regeneration. Increases energy when low. Realign chakras, repairs holes in auric field.

Helps you to realize that you are perfect as you are right now. A master healer, it is the most powerful healing crystal on the planet. It does all you ask and more. Restores balance to the physical, emotional, mental, ancestral, planetary, karmic and spiritual levels. It can release entities, thought forms & mental constraints or influences and soul imprints that no longer serve you.
Healing – Returns core vibrational pattens that have gone astray. Aligns all systems of the body. Twelve strand DNA activation powerful karmic cleansers that reprograms the brain to new energetic patterns, resets your immune system.

Helps you to flow with the moment, especially when the situation is intolerable. Also helps you to understand the belief that has created the situation and to correct it. Energises other crystals and the environment. Dispels lethargy and apathy, promotes new energy towards creative activities.
Healing – Treats debilitating conditions, circulation, under activity in regards to fertility.

Cacoxenite (one of the super seven crystals)
Raises the spiritual awareness of the human race. It takes on the different energies according to its host crystal.
The realization that everyone has a divine spark. Promotes the highest good in all situations.
Healing – Assists with cell disorders, thyroid, hormonal imbalance, tumours, warts, moles, and good for whole body healing.

Calcite / Calcium Carbonate
It is a very active crystal, cleaning and clearing the environment it is in. Removes stagnant energy. Combats laziness and gives encouragement to move on. Good for clearing the mind and unblocking old thoughts. A study stone, held or placed on your desk when wanting to remember.
Healing – Cleans organs, encourages calcium intake, fortifies immune system and skeletal structure.

Calcite Cobalt (Sphaerocobaltite)
It is a stone of unconditional love. Helps you to make friends. A stone of joy. Releases buried emotions. Brings clear communication. Encourages positivity and dispels negative energy. Transforms ideas into action. Nurturing energy which allows you to mother yourself.

Calcite Green
Dissolves rigid beliefs and old patterns, restoring balance. Helps you to move from a negative situation to a positive. Stimulates immune system. Absorbs negativity and removes bacterial infections. Soothes anger.
Healing – Arthritis, constriction of muscles. Cools fevers, burns and inflammation. Calms adrenals

Calcite Honey
Enhances a deep state of relaxation and meditation. Expands your energy and sense of self. Also read Calcite.

Calcite Mangano
Ideal 1st crystal for a baby. Reassuring when mother or care giver has to leave. Put with photo of family if estranged. Allows yourself to be vulnerable. Good for adoptive parents, medical staff who care for premature babies and sick children.
Healing – Absorbs pain, good for premature babies. It is said to be the Reiki stone as it goes to the area that needs the most healing.

Calcite Optic (Iceland Spar)
This crystal amplifies images and heals the eyes. Helps you to see the double meaning hidden behind words. Reduces tension that can cause migraines. Excellent cleanser of the aura.

Calcite Sponges
Also known as the witch’s stone, gives you protection and increases your life span. Amplifies energy so that your energy cannot be destroyed or used by others. It represents time, eternity and evolution.

Calsilica Rainbow (Chihuahua, Mexico)
Mysterious Wonder Stone
A protection stone, it draws all its healing energies from the colours of the rainbow. Encourages the flow of ideas and promotes confidence, also inspires creativity. Wearing near the heart will balance emotional disharmony.
Healing – Strengthens and balances the heart muscle. Balances blood sugar levels in all diabetes. Helps all blood disorders.

Carnelian – Red, Orange, Pink, Brown / Contains Hematite
Grounds & anchors you in the present reality. Gives you an acceptance of the cycle of life. It gives courage motivates for success in business. Helps to trust yourself. Powerful protection against greed, envy, resentment. Calms anger. Place near your front door for protection & invites abundance in. Improves parent – child relationships, restores trust after abuse.
Healing – Stimulates metabolism, female reproductive organ, overcomes frigidity & impotence. Heals rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgia & depression. Regulates body fluids, kidneys. Improves absorption of vitamins.

Cats Eye
Amplifies good luck and happiness. Stimulates intuition and awareness. Provides protective energy to the user.
Healing – Increases vision especially at night. Relieves headaches.

Cavensite India / Calcium Vanadium
The purest Blue Ray vibration. A stone of inner truth and clear insight. Soothes the emotions and calms frayed nerves. Cavensite usually grows with stilbite, this combination provides a calming influence and inner peace. Also helps you to drift into sleep when you are having a restless physical and thinking time. Helps to overcome confusion, lack of direction and hopelessness.
Healing – Stimulates the endocrine system, especially the pituitary and pineal glands. Good for migraine or headache triggered by stress.

Celestite / Strontium Sulphate
Stimulates our awakening to other realms of existence. Promotes purity of heart and attracts good fortune. Assists conflict by bringing peace and harmony to a situation. Teaches trust in self and the universe.
Healing – Treats disorders of the eyes and ears, eliminates toxins and soothes and relaxes muscles tension and calms mental torment.

Cerisite / Cerussite
Excellent for making you feel comfortable wherever you are. Helps you to see where you are from, why you are here and your task this time around. Teaches flexibility and how to take responsibility, relieves tension and anxiety. Balances right and left brain.
Healing – Treats insomnia, mental disorders, provides strength and renewal to inner organs. Excellent stone for vitality for those experiencing disease. Good for travel, reduces jet-lag.

Helps to still the mind. Transforms negative to positive. Brings balance in the times of stress. Lessens the strength of addictions so you can reclaim your true self. Enhances endurance, perseverance and tenacity.
Sore muscles, obesity, hormone balance, thyroid.

Chalcanthite on Quartz (Copper)
Eliminates the feeling of abandonment and restraint. Helps with a smooth flow of communication in all situations and to make choices that will enhance your desires.
Healing – Treats arthritis, reduces presence of free radicals. Cleanses arteries, alleviates water retention.

Chalcedony / Blue Fibrous Quartz / Copper
Is a nurturing stone, encouraging brotherhood. Brings harmony to the mind, body and soul. Changes depression to joy, self doubt to self-sureness. Powerful cleaners for all parts of the body.
Healing – Powerful cleanser, lessens the effects of dementia. Increases physical energy, balances body, emotions and heals eyes and bones.

Chalcedony Blue Holly Oregon USA
Helps to acknowledge and release deeply held emotions so you can learn lessons from the past. Enhances empathy and compassion. Allows you to remain calm and not worry over minor issues and brings clarity of thought.
Healing Dementia

Enhances abilities of perception and helps you to find lost objects. Removes energy blockages, helps to achieve (no Mind) when meditating and to maintain this state. A stone of the mystic, bringing information for the self and others.
Healing – Treats disorders of the brain, relieves pressure of tumours and growths. Repair the damage to RNA/DNA from treatments of cancer. Helps the lungs, lessons fevers, reduce inflammation and promotes hair growth.

Chalcopyrite (Bornite)
Brings freshness and newness to your life and the ability to enjoy happiness in the moment. Helps to release what is no longer useful. It is a stone of happiness. Provides insight to obstacles that are blocking your progress. Assists you to recognise that there is no need to have deficiency in any aspect of your life. You are the one who can create what you need.
Healing – Treats cellular metabolism, flow of adrenaline, balances over acidity. Assimilates potassium, eliminates fevers and swelling, brings balance to an unbalanced body eg. Gout etc.

Encourages change, deep physical and emotional healing. Helps you to accept the present moment as perfect. Releases deep fears, and worry. Helps to overcome compulsions & obsession. Mentally it helps you to make decisions.
Healing – Regenerates when exhausted, heals eyes, heart, liver, pancreas. Reverses liver damage due to alcohol, helps autism & bipolar. Bestows deep sleep.

Cherry Quartz (Red Rutilated Quartz)
Brings new hope, anti depressant, relieves anxiety and tension. Gives you vision for the bigger picture. Aids the free flowing energy through the body. Good for a sad or weak heart.
Healing – Regenerates cells.

Chiastolite (Cross stone)
Powerful protective stone, used in ancient times to ward off ill wishes and curses. Dispels negative thoughts and feelings. Helps the process from life to death. Dissolves illusions and calms fears. Releases worn out patterns and conditioning. Clears feelings of guilt. Helps you to find your soul’s purpose.
Healing – Lessens fevers, increases blood flow, and heals rheumatism and gout. Stimulates lactation for nursing mothers. Repairs chromosome damage, balances immune system, fortifies nerves.

Chrysanthemum Stone / Flower Stone / Celestite in Limestone
This stone seems to drift gently through time and space, helping us to do the same. Helps you to stay centred in the moment. Inspires and energises. Teaches us to remain childlike, fun-loving and innocent. Strengthening character, it overcomes bigotry, ignorance, narrow mindedness and jealousy. Encourages showing more love to the world and in turn receiving more love in your life.
Healing – Treats the skin, skeleton and eyes. Helps release toxins and dissolving growths.

Chrysocolla / Copper Ring Silicate / Gem Silica
Brings inner strength when you feel overwhelmed. Stabilising effect at home, work and self. Reverses feelings of guilt to joy and encourages self-awareness and inner balance. Gives a feeling of personal power. Reduces mental tension so you can keep a cool head.
Healing – Treats arthritis, bone disease, muscle spasm. Detoxifies liver, kidneys and intestines. Regenerates pancreas, regulates insulin. Excellent for women, treating PMS and menstrual cramps.

Chrysoprase / Chalcedony
Promotes love of the truth, hope and gives personal insight. It makes us look at that we might still be coming from our egos and how to come from our hearts. It also helps us to trust ourselves.
Healing – Detoxifies liver, aids gout, eye problems, balances hormones, releases nightmares.

If angled into the light it is possible to see ancient writing inscribed within that links us to ancient knowledge. It clears away debris from the past. A stone of integrity and self-honesty. It shows where you are trying to control other and helps you attract what it is you desire. Corrects imbalances and blockages when placed over the thymus.
Healing – Chronic fatigue, inflammation, multiple sclerosis, coughs and emphysema. Supports throat, brainstem, veins and arteries.

Cinnabar / Mercury Sulphide
Stimulates dignity, vitality and power. Good for business and finance. Called the merchants stone, place in the cash box, it is said to increase the income of your business. Assists you to acquire wealth and maintain it. Promotes the acceptance that everything is as it is meant to be.
Healing – Disorders of the blood, strength to the body, flexibility in movement, helps treat weight problems.

Stone of Abundance. Powerful cleanser and regenerator, energizing, creative, opens intuition. Teaches how to manifest prosperity, all that is good and how to share. Helps to go with the flow. Overcome fear.
Healing – Stimulates digestion, spleen, pancreas, increase blood circulation, detoxifies blood, balance thyroid.

Clear Quartz
The most powerful healer & amplifier, excellent for blockages. Works on all levels of self. Aids memory, excellent to program & store information.
Healing – Master healer, immune system, brings balance to all.

Clear Quartz Chloride Green
A powerful positive healing stone. Eliminates toxins and helps assimilate Vitamin A and E, iron and magnesium. Powerful pain killer.

Clear Quartz Inclusions
The inclusion in Quartz represents the many inclusions in ourselves. If one of these crystals finds you, then let it help you to discover who you are. Using this crystal for meditation can help you to become one with all that is, was and will be. It brings peace by aligning all aspects of mind, body and being.

Clear Quartz Phantom
Has ghost like image in crystal. Point’s way towards growth, helps to move you on your next step.

Clipsol – Orchard, Orange Calcite
Stone of promise, grounding, comforting. Works in the here and now, while keeping your feet on the ground. A very stabling stone in all situations. Encourages you to step forward not backwards. Raises energy levels, improves motivation.
Healing – Clears depression. Eases menstrual discomfort. Improves reproductive health.

Copal Fossil (Amber) From Columbia
Aged between one-ten thousand years often mistaken for Amber which is much harder & older.
Activates the Crown Chakra & Strengthens the Meridians. Helps to keep us grounded so that we can speak from the heart. Strengthens our control over our minds. Stimulates psychic abilities, removes energy blockages while increasing your energy field. Brings love into our lives by healing your heart.
Healing – Stimulates cell renewal.

A stone of optimism, diplomacy and independence. Dispels lethargy, passivity, restlessness. Brings luck and bestows good fortune. Brings light to barriers that are on our path. Helps you to make decisions for the better.
Healing – Stabilises flow of blood in the body, increasing circulation. Cleans wounds and fights bacterial infections. Stimulates the metabolic process. Balances chemistry of the blood and cellular structures.

Coprolites – Dinosaur Dung (Phoenix Wings)
Protective Stones. Allows you to feel safe from harm. Relieves nightmares of monsters and demons. Release old thought forms and beliefs that no longer serve.

Coral Red (Utah)
Garden of the sea. Prevents ill fortune. Brings prosperity, practicality, respect for your life path and luck. Protects from depression and despondency.
Healing – Hiccups, colic, heartburn. Treats disorders of the cellular structure of the kidneys, bladder and parathyroid.

Coral White
Power of the sea’s life force. Disperses negative energy and past blocks. Protection for fishermen, sailors and children. Symbol of wealth and prosperity – house luck attraction, touch every door and window in your home or office. Gives inner strength and vitality. Good for pregnant women, child birth and a healthy baby.

Opens doorways to past lives. Promotes positive thoughts. Can transform dreams into reality. Expands intuition and connects you to your guardian angels.
Healing – Breaks down blockages on all levels. Re-aligns cancer cells so they become clear.

Crackle Quartz
Superheated and colour infused. Promotes fun and joy in your life. Helps you to be responsible for your feelings and to realize that only you can change how you feel.
Lilac- assists spiritual development.
Blue – overcomes speech and hearing problems.
Green – helps to earth and comfort a person who feels uncomfortable in their body.
Yellow – Assures the child within that it is OK to believe in yourself.
Orange or Red – stimulates creativity and the playful child within.
Pink – heals an abused child, by gently drawing out the pain and replacing it with love.

Cradle of Humankind (Cave in Magaliesberg, South Africa) 7 million years old
Contains ancient knowledge. Grounding energy, helping you to connect to Mother Earth. Soothing vibration, making you feel that all is well in your world. Helps you to discover past ancient times so that you can know how this relates to your life now and what your purpose is in being born in this time.

Cranberry Aura
Brings the scarlet ray of energy. Makes us feel secure, successful, rich. Connects to the spiritual world. Can be used as a talisman and enhances communication between individuals, teaching us to listen as well as talk, respond not react.

Cross Crystal (X Crystal)
Grows at right angles to another. Looks like 2 matchsticks lying across each other. Stone of equality, unity, harmony and acceptance, each is free to follow its own growth and destiny yet remain together supporting each other. Brings understanding in partnerships and relationships, allowing each to grow and become themselves and yet remain a united family unit. Promotes peace in a family of strong will and views.
Healing – All conflict, mental, spiritual and physical.

Its brilliance comes from cosmic light. Provides us with serenity and eternal wisdom and is good for change – leaving the past behind. Stimulates the third eye and crown chakras. Promotes ease, patience and peace of mind.
Healing – Clears allergies, detoxifies, treats gallbladder and liver. Aids muscular and motor function. Place by the bed, this stone will help the dying on their journey.

Stone of Abundance. Powerful cleanser and regenerator, energizing, creative, opens intuition. Teaches how to manifest prosperity, all that is good and how to share. Helps to go with the flow. Overcome fear.
Healing – Stimulates digestion, spleen, pancreas, increase blood circulation, detoxifies blood, balance thyroid.

Desert Rose Barite / Heavy Spar
Encourages you to go for your dreams, without fear. Enhances friendship, harmony, love and helps you to see the relationship connection. Initiates independence and motivation, so you can attain personal freedom. Releases trapped emotions, bringing calm. Provides strong yet delicate connection to all things, so you can find your path.
Healing – Removes toxins from body, stimulates vision, soothes nervous system and helps recovery from addictions.

Desert Rose – Barite
Enhances a calm atmosphere and teaches you to enjoy every moment. Helps you to stay calm during misunderstandings and problem solving. Also helps you to prioritise when there is more than one situation happening.

Diopside Black Star
Stimulates mind and the intellect, good for academic learning especially mathematics. Allows you to understand all aspects of yourself. Provides humility and respect for self and others. Good for those who don’t allow themselves to cry.
Healing – Used in the treatment of physical weakness and psychological disorders. Good for runners, it eliminates spasms and stitches during a run. Calming for pets.

Dioptase / Hydrous Copper
Powerful healer for the heart. Helps you to live in the present. It can show you your next step when you don’t know which way to turn. Strong mental cleaner and detoxifier. Good for healing heartache & showing a new way to love and be loved.
Healing – It regulates cell disorders, thymus, and high blood pressure. Overcomes fatigue & shock, addiction and stress.

Druzy Quartz
This stone is excellent for care-givers and the ones being cared for. Giving strength & hope for the situation. Helps you to smile and laugh, to appreciate life and to be thankful.
Healing – Depression, lethargy.

Gently releases pent-up emotions, good for anger management. Speak from the heart, not from the mind. Encourages tidiness in the home and workplace. Brings change, sometimes in unexpected ways. Good for calming over-excitable dogs (attach to collar, or in their bed).
Healing – Goes to the root cause of illness. Helps with ligaments, tendons, tourette’s, fevers and thyroid.

Elestial Quartz
It has a gentle energy that removes blockages
and fear. Opens the way to change. Helpful in times of emotional stress. Comforting and peaceful & encouraging. This crystal can help you understand your Karma and give an insight into your spiritual path.

Emerald / Beryl with Chromium
Enhances memory, insight and courage. Encourages honesty in all aspects of your life. Brings balance, harmony and patience. A stone of regeneration and recovery after illness. Helps you to overcome misfortune and start to enjoy life again.
Healing – Treats sinus, lungs, improves vision. Alleviates rheumatism and diabetes.

The fluid inside can be eons in age and is quite pure. Helps to put “oneself in the shoes of another”. Brings empathy and understanding to a situation. It has life sustaining energy, which helps you to adapt in any given situation. Promotes change with quiet determination.
Healing – Enhances minerals, treats conditions of degrading in tissues and/or organs. Brings the body to a state of balance.

Epidote / Calcium Aluminium
Strengthens your sense of identity and personal growth. Helps you to manifest your dreams. Good for those who fall into the victim or martyr role. Clears self pity, stress and anxiety. Releases grief and old traumas. Can be quite overpowering for some people as it brings to surface emotions you may not want to deal with.
Healing – Useful for convalescence. Facilitates weight loss by bringing to the surface the core issue.

Opens heart. Teaches us that we don’t have to suffer to grow spiritually. Helps to end situations that have finished, with peace and grace. Clears depression, releases negative emotions (jealousy, anger, guilt, resentment). Promotes self forgiveness, confidence and shows you the lesson learnt from mistakes. Draws together soul companions, revealing – sometimes in unexpected ways – the reason for the relationship. Eases compulsive behaviour and thinking.
Healing – Cellular healing, energy depletion, harmonizing brainwaves. Stabilises nervous system. Helps with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, MS, Lupus. Eye problems, pancreas, thyroid.

Faden Quartz
White thread like fibrous formations in quartz surrounded by fluid or gaseous filled chamber.
It is a stone of connection. Assisting in reconnection and maintaining your connection to another. It strengthens the silver cord for astral travel. Excellent for fortune telling and meditation.
Healing – Stimulates molecular bonding and mending on all levels.

Fairy Stone Calcite (Quebec, Canada)
Native American Indians used it for good luck. These stones are the children of Mother Earth and bring light for her wellbeing. Very practical energy that gives a solution to problems. Also a protection stone. It is said that they adopt you so they can help you (little helpers).
Healing – Trauma; helps to stop fight or flight feelings. Calms or dispels anger and negative feelings. Arthritis pain, dissolves calcification and inflammation.

Falcon Eye Quartz
Helps you to see and feel the energy of nature. Gives you clear vision to see your path and the strength to fly free of all worldly burdens. Allows the freedom of your soul.

Helps you to detach from old habits, encouraging new self awareness and love. Assist in the finding of lost items and helps you to understand the messages that come from within and without of the self.
Healing – Helps with disorders of the skin and muscular structure.

Fire and Ice – Rainbow Quartz
It contains figurines that draw on Shamanic medicine.

Fire Quartz (Hematoid)
Self esteem, removes negativity, balances body mind spirit. Helps you to understand why you do something so you can have a conscious response rather than an unconscious reaction.
Focus & concentration, grounding, calms anxieties, panic & hysterics.
Healing – ADD & ADHD Blood disorders, boost immune, strengthen liver, kidney and cleanses toxins.

Gives a strong boost to your mental state, grounding and aligns subtle bodies. Powerful stabilizer. Slices through blockages. Protects you against ill wishes and bad thoughts and it can prevent nightmares.
Healing – Disperses pain and dis-ease. Overcomes depression and obsessive disorders. Removes warts, moles, wrinkles, growths and stones. Good for back pain.

Cleans and stabilises aura. Protects against computer and electromagnetic stress. Draws negative energies and stress from around you. Purifies and cleans on all levels. This stone overcomes chaos and brings calmness. Helps you to learn and increase concentration.
Healing – Powerful healer, good for teeth, cells, bones, repairs DNA, relieves pain, Shingles and nerve related pain.

Fluorite Green – Genius Stone (meaning to flow)
Brings order to chaos, harmony. Clears negative energy from any environment, cleansing and renewal. Inspires new ideas, quick thinking. Release emotional trauma and addictions. Absorbs pollution from the environment. Good for travel (keep safe). Attracts butterflies to your garden.
Healing – Disorders of stomach, colitis, heartburn and cramps. Restore mobility. Helps clear symptoms of colds and flu. Clears mucous membranes.

Fuchsite (form of Mica)
A stone of knowledge, good for helping to access herbal and holistic remedies. Reverses martyrdom, teaches self worth and how to allow another to learn their own lessons while you support and love. Overcomes co-dependency and emotional blackmail and gives strength after trauma.
Healing – Amplifies all crystals, centers in to the lowest point of energy and rebalances. Releases blockages. Balances red and white blood cell ratio. Good for RSI.

Fulgarite (formed when lightning hits sand)
Raises energy levels. A powerful shamanic soul tool. Release past and past life traumas with lightning force and speed, bringing your soul home to this lifetime. Manifest dreams to reality. Helps you to let go of blockages that are stopping your progress. Opens ways to learn new behaviours.
Healing – Blasts through blockages that block energy or blood flow.

Gabbro Indigo (Mystic Merlinite)
Relatively new crystal, Gabbro is said to promote connection to higher self. Locates energy blockages within the body.
Relieves violence in temper. Locates energy within the body.
Healing – Hot flushes, swelling, bruising & sprains. Balances the alkalinity of the body.

Stone of harmony, balancing all levels of your life. Grounding, anchoring and centering. Good for doctors, homeopaths and herbalists, as it aids investigation into illness. Opens the mind to all possibilities, expanding all ideas.
Healing – Reduces inflammation, stimulates circulation, and aids simulation of zinc and selenium.

Often carried as a protective talisman for travellers. Inspires love and devotion. A stone of commitment, fortifies, activates and strengthens the survival instinct. Good for times of crisis.
Healing – Regenerates the body and DNA, treats spinal and cellular disorders.

Garnet (colour changing)
One of the most rare and interesting gemstones. Any gem that changes colour is a rare find. Some call it a mood stone as it changes colour throughout the day.

Garnet Green (Grossular, Green)
Stone of confidence and stability. Beneficial if going through a lawsuit. Good for manifesting spiritual and physical abundance. A fertility stone.
Healing – Acid Reflux. Rapid healing after injury, arthritis, rheumatism, strengthens kidneys, skin, mucus membranes. Helps to assimilate Vitamin A

Golden Quartz
Is a naturally coated translucent yellow. All the attributes of quartz, it empowers healing at all levels.

Golden Healer Quartz
Clears the auric field, filling it with golden light. Goes deep, so you can release old patterns. Dissolves and releases blocks or foreign energies, replenishing and restoring the body’s natural balance and harmony.
Healing – All levels of illness. Master healers.

Goldstone Blue (glass with copper)
Looks like the starry night sky. Helps those interested in the practice of astrology. Wear for a few months and you will understand underlying patterns and how to avoid repeating old mistakes. It is a wish stone, blow into the stone on a starry night and makes a wish. It can open doors of opportunity.
Healing – Relieves migraines, headaches, epilepsy, tunnel vision or glaucoma. Helps after chemical therapies and surgery.

Goldstone (glass with copper) gold/brown
Though it appears reddish it is clear, the colour comes from the copper crystals inside. Helps to re-orientate you if you get lost while driving. Also when sad it helps to remind you of the wonders of life.
Healing – Promotes self worth, helps circulation, arthritis joint pain, metabolism, bones, dizziness.

Grossularite (Type of Yellow Garnet)
Stone of abundance and prosperity. A manifestation stone.
Healing – Regenerating on all levels.

It can help to mould ones character. Stagnation is eliminated & progress strengthens. It is the lucky stone. Used in rain making ceremonies by aboriginal tribes by throwing into the air.
Healing – Strengthens bones, renews elasticity in the skin and tissues.

A stone of clarity and understanding. Helps you to see beyond what is happening now, to a more harmonious time. All will pass, is its message. Helps you to be gentle on yourself, let go and allow the flow to take you where you need to be.
Healing – Clears mucous from the throat, ears and lymphatics. Aids digestion and absorption of minerals.

Halite (Searles Lake California)
Promotes self love and clarity, assists a person to clean up their environments of unhealthy habits, relationships and incomplete projects. Helps to overcome emotional trauma. Reveals one’s own prejudice and judgement. Good to keep in bath water to clear and restore spiritual energy. One piece can be used many times until it dissolves.

Hedenbergite – From the Amazon
Crystal of Transition.
Helps to calm the extremes in your life, brings together opposing ideas. Promotes order and tidiness in all aspects of your life. Also helps with new friendships and teaches patience. Brings success in all areas of your life.
Healing – Treats bone loss, immune system. Helps assimilate calcium and iron.

Heliodor (Green Beryl)
Increases honesty in others and to regain what has been lost e.g.. Money, employment. Helps you to balance the care of children or elderly or sick relatives.
Healing – Aids digestive problems. Warms stiff and immobile limbs.

Grounding rebalances yin in balance. Good for all legal situations. Boosts self esteem, enhances willpower, removes self-imitations & aids expression. Helps to overcome additions. Stimulates concentration & focus. Useful for study of mathematics.
Healing – It restores & strengthens blood supply & can draw heat from the body. Good for circulation. Supports kidneys, stimulates absorption of iron & formation of red blood cells. Treats leg cramps, anxiety, insomnia. Good elixir for fever.

Hematite Red
Helps to ground and re-align on all levels, physical, emotional and spiritual. Clears negativity, blockages and disharmony. Good for when exercising as a tool for strength and energy. Increase the vibration of the body.
Healing – Rejuvenates all organs, tissue damage and activates the immune system. Helps with muscle repair and growth.

Helps to reach ego-less self-confidence, self respect and to take responsibility for your own happiness or unhappiness. Relieves feelings of hostility, anger and emotional irritations. Brings luck and the ability to regain health after illness.
Healing – Treats disorders of blood, ulcers, reduces pain, herpes. Supports dieting, body maintenance, shaping and agility.

Herkimer Diamond
Promotes creativity, telepathy, clairvoyance and dream recall. This stone attunes people and links them together when they are apart, each person holding on to one. Good for clearing electromagnetic & radioactive pollution.
Healing – Detoxifies and protects from pollutants, relives insomnia, Corrects DNA and cellular disorders.

Encourages self-respect, eliminates feelings of guilt. Supports seeking out new challenges. Opens intuition and psychic abilities, regulates hormone production, reduces infertility and impotence, and draws off negative influences that cause ill health.

This crystal can take you back to the time of Atlantis / Lemuria. It allows you to release the constraints of customs, privilege, conceit and jealousy. Opening the way for willingness and balance in all things.
Healing – Disperses growths, helps with weight loss and all problems with the feet.

Hiddenite (Green Kunzite)
The evolution stone, because it assists you to grow spiritually and be aware of your responsibilities to care for the earth. Attracts love to your life. Brings you into the present without being distracted by injustices from the past and worries about the future.
Healing – Relieves self neglect, boost the power of herbs, essential oils. Balances the hemispheres of the brain, fluid imbalances, sick animals.

A very calming stone, excellent for insomnia. It helps you to achieve your goals both spiritual and material. Teaches patience and helps to calm down rage, uncontrolled anger. Placed in pocket it absorbs your own anger and any anger directed towards you. Releases the ties of old emotions to prevent triggers.
Healing – Balances calcium.

Indicolite – Blue Tourmaline (USA, Mexico, Brazil)
Rare stone. Promotes harmony, tolerance, joy and kindness. Promotes inspiration of all kinds and lessens fear.
Healing – Good for immune system, the brain, corrects fluid imbalances, treats kidneys, thymus and thyroid. Soothes burns, prevents scarring.

Ilvaite (Inner Mongolia)
Helps to increase your patience and to keep going when the going gets too much. Enhances creativity and perseverance. Good for grounding, stabilizing emotions.
Healing – Helps to balance. Treats fevers, diarrhoea, haemorrhage, ulcers.

A stone of vision and intuitive insight. It aids in understanding and releasing the causes of addiction. Clears thoughts and emotional upsets in relationships. Encourages taking responsibility for yourself and overcoming co-dependency.
Healing – Creates strong constitution. Reduces fatty deposits in body. Reduces the effects of alcohol. Supports detoxification of liver. Treats Malaria, fevers, aids pituitary, sinus, migraine and all bacteria’s.

Dream stone. Brings about tranquillity and wisdom. Increases love & nurturing of self. Releases negative thoughts and awakens the mind.
Healing – Hidden knowledge. Cleanses the organs of toxins, fluids and aids digestion. Relieves depression.

Jade Yellow
Brings joy and happiness. Teaches us that all things are equal. Enhances your energy levels. Aids digestive and elimination systems of the body.

Jasper from Bahia
The supreme nurturer. It reminds us to help each other in times of stress. Protects and grounds. Works on all chakras. Absorbs negative energies. Clears electromagnetic and environmental pollution, including radiation. Brings courage and encourages honesty with yourself. Supports during conflict. Aids deep thinking and organizational abilities.
Healing – Supports prolonged illness or hospitalization and re-energises the body. Aids digestive and sexual organs, releases dis-ease and obsession. Dispels bloating, inflammation and toxicity.

Jasper Bumble Bee
Forms at the opening to volcanoes (Ash, sulphur). Do Not make elixir from this stone. (Toxic) A strong earth energy stone which has the energy of the volcano. It is said that it heals bees, hence its name. Helps the impossible to manifest.

Jasper Butterfly
Supreme nurturer, supports you during times of stress. Brings tranquility. Absorbs negative energy, cleans the chakras.
Healing – Circulation, digestive disorders, balances mineral content of the body.

Jasper Crocodile (Kambaba)
A stone of peace and tranquility, it comforts and protects. Soothing troubled minds and bringing balance to body and spirit. It helps you to focus on whatever situation is happening now. Can help to release negative thoughts and feelings, especially those that plague ones mind.

Jasper Dinosaur Bone
Increases memory and energy. Connects you to past lives. Calms anxiety. Aids communication and understanding.

Jasper Elephant Skin
Helps to overcome loneliness, learn to love your own company. Brings pleasure back to nature and the older slower way of life. Good for travel (amulet) especially driving. Attracts prosperity for business trips and negotiation. Protects home against deterioration. Bury behind new wall or radiator to bring luck and prosperity.
Healing – Eases skin complaints, bowel and intestinal disorders, internal scar tissue, mobility problems, hair loss.

Jasper Fossil Coral
Fossil Coral Jasper is a grounding stone good for bringing about change. It is said to bring forth manifestations by revealing and clearing negative beliefs or energetic blocks with regards to abundance. It is excellent for groups to work as a team to find new ideas and creative solutions to tricky problems.
Healing – It is used for healing eye, skin and stomach illnesses. It is even believed to enhance longevity.

Jasper Imperial (rare)
Provides protection to reduce fears and insecurities. Helps us to understand we are all part of the whole.

Jasper K2 Albite Base
Mount K2 (Godwin-Austen),second highest mountain on Earth, on the border between Balkistan (Pakistan) in the Gilgit region.
Stone of balance, both emotionally and physically. Wear if your life feels you are on the go 24/7. Helps you to step back and go with the flow. Brings back joy in life. Hold a piece if you have lost something – close eyes and the item and its location should appear, (good for finding pets).
Healing – Stomach upsets, heartburn, ulcers, nausea. Eye problems, blockages veins, fluid imbalances, blood cleanser.

Jasper Morrisonite
Stone of gentleness and relaxation. Brings tranquillity, wholeness.
Healing – Cardiovascular system, blood vessels, gall bladder, lymph system.

Jasper Panther
Stone of creation. Grounding, comforting. Good for artistic people, helps them to access their inner creativity. A family stone, brings everyone together. A stone of self discovery. Helps children who are shy and feel lost in who they are.

Jasper Picasso (marble)
Helps you to develop your creative talents. Also helps you to understand the destiny you have chosen. The master of the subconscious mind and it attracts strength and perseverance. Can activate unused portions of the mind, enhance good common sense with matters of home and heart. Provides protection both physical and emotional.
Healing – Stimulates the circulatory system, reduces anxiety and stress. Assists in digestion and regulates metabolism. Also used for carpal tunnel and to promote weight loss.

Jasper Picture
This stone is said to be the Earth Mother speaking to her children. It contains messages from the past for those that can read them. Brings hidden feelings of guilt, envy, hatred and love from the now or past lives to the surface. Once released they can be seen as lessons not burdens. Instills harmony and comfort and alleviates fear.
Healing – Cleanses kidneys, stimulates immune system.

Jasper Pinolith (rare, from mine in Turen Mountains, Austria)
Stone of personal freedom, helps you to take charge of your life. Encourages energetic and original thinking. Assists visualization for manifesting. Aligns Chakras.
Healing – Nervous System

Jasper Plume
Brings status and power, eliminates contradictions and supports your dignity, emotional and mental stability.

Jasper Polychrome Desert
New find from Madagascar. It has multi colours and is used for balance & grounding. Brings good fortune and a happy outlook on life. Eases stress and increases stamina.
Healing – Helps with all allergies. A good basic stone as all jaspers are. One to always have on hand.

Jasper Poppy
Brings happiness and energy, excellent for bringing pleasure and a new health regime, encourages outdoor pursuits. Generates enthusiasm and motivation, good for work in marketing. Opens opportunities for travel. Helps you to be grateful for what you have in the now.
Healing – Overcome addictions, helps adrenalin regulation, low energy, allergies, anaemia, colds and rashes.

Jasper Porcelain (Exotica or Sci-Fi)- also read Jasper
Protection and Nurturing on all levels. Stone of Peace and persistence and universal love. Heals traumas and deep emotional wounds.
Healing – Cancer of tissue and blood. Good for purging unwanted diseases from the body.

Jasper Rainforest – Rhyolite
It helps you to make changes without stress. Accesses karmic wisdom. Strengthens soul, body and mind. Good for past life healing. Keeps you grounded in the moment rather than looking back at the past. Enhances self esteem and acceptance of self.
Healing – Fortifies the body’s natural resistance. Treats veins, rashes and infections. Dissolves kidney stones and old scars. Elixir gives strength and muscle tone.

Jasper Red
A stone of health, strengthening and detoxifying the circulatory system, the blood & liver. Grounds your energy and brings problems to light before they become too big. Excellent worry bead, calming the emotions when played with.
Healing – Promotes physical energy and sense of smell

Jasper – Red, Brown, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple
Known as the supreme nurturer, it supports during stress. Gives you determination & encourages honesty to yourself. Aids quick thinking, transforms ideas into action. Supports during long illness & hospitalisation.
Healing – Supports circulation, digestive, sexual organs. Balances mineral content of the body.

Jasper Willow Creek (Idaho)
Power stone also protection. Courage to speak out and have personal independence. Used for finding a way to transform a part of your life that is not working for you now.

Jasper Zebra
Motivate and energise you to overcome apathy. Transforms ideas into action. Gives you courage to understand your problems. Absorbs negative energy making you calm and peaceful. Keeps you safe during travel.
Healing – Depression and anxiety.

Jet – also known as Black Amber (coal Lignite)
Stone of sympathy and healing grief. A protection stone, it helps the wearer to come up with constructive solutions to problems. It is used to stabilise finances and to protect businesses. Place in cash box or wealth corner of the house.
Healing – Absorbs negative energy, helps recovery from depression, sadness, loss and grief. Cleanses the liver and kidneys. Good for migraines.

Dispels negativity, shields aura. Encourages self expression, removes obstacles and promotes tolerance for self and others, Helps to dissolve panic attacks. Also helps you to accept constructive criticism. Brings back lost trust and innocence.
Healing – Strengthens circulation, heart muscle. Calms epilepsy, joint pain. Stimulates immune system.

It never needs cleaning as it does not hold negative energy. Encourages you to speak your truth, cutting through fears and blockages. Restores Qi to the physical body and it’s organs.
Healing – Treats muscular disorders, fevers, thyroid, adrenals, a natural pain reliever, lowers blood pressure, releases excess weight. Balances yin-yang energy.

Kyanite Black
Grounds and aligns all energy centers during and after meditation. Good for clearing all negative thoughts and feelings.

Kyanite Green
Helps you to feel the balance between yourself and nature.
It connects your truth from your heart and the truth in any situation. Can enhance your dreams and lucid dreaming.

Highly mystical, protective & brings in light. Forms a barrier to negative energies. Releases fears & insecurities. Gives faith in self & trust in universe. Stone of transformation & can bring your dreams into reality.
Healing – Eyes, relives stress, regulates metabolism, gout, menstrual tension, lowers blood pressure.

Lapis Lazuli
A protection stone. Teaches power of the spoken work. It encourages self-awareness & self-expression, honestly & compassion. Bonds relationships, dissolves martyrdom, cruelty & suffering.
Healing – Alleviates pain, overcomes depression, boosts immune systems. Alleviates insomnia & vertigo, lowers blood pressure.

Opens you to new dimensions, stimulates evolution of the earth. Promotes love, peace and tranquillity. Raises consciousness, harmonises body and soul. Encourages angelic contact and communication with other realms. Heals past life relationships. Dissolves self sabotaging behaviour, blockages and martyrdom. Encourages going with the flow. An earth healing stone helps women to reconnect to their femininity and restore connection to nature.
Healing – Removes attached entities. Stimulates 3rd eye, heart, crown and throat chakras. Placed on a painful spot, it will draw out pain.

Larvikite (Norway’s national rock)
Labradorite/Moonstone (Blue pear, Emerald pear, Black Moonstone) Is considered a Feldspar
Helps to repel negative energies. Helpful for those learning new information because it allows us to understand things from a higher perspective. It teaches patience and supports us when an ending is required. Creates new pathways for knowledge so you can open new doors.
Healing – Helps learning disabilities. Treats skin disorders. Aids recovery from strokes and brain function. Cleanses body tissue, harmonises metabolism, calms nerves, cools and reduces blood pressure.

Layser Point
This is a very powerful crystal that needs to be used carefully. Never point it at anyone without clarity as to your intent. It can be an amazing healing tool when used properly. It concentrates the energy passing through it. Used for psychic surgery, cutting away negativity of all kinds. Removes old attitudes, thought patterns and energy blockages. Stimulates acupuncture points.

Lemurian Jade
(Midnight Dark Lemurian) (Light Shadow Lemurian)
Strong protection stone. Helps you to understand your connection to the earth. Brings gratitude to all things, encouraging you to be grateful for all you have.
Healing – Aids heart, immune system and quick recovery after illness.

Lemurian Quartz
The ladder like striations known as the Stairway to Heaven. Helps to balance and bring harmony within. These crystals are coded with Lemurian vibrations. They can open the heart so self-healing can happen and your true self can emerge. A very beautiful crystal that may help you to open your past with compassion and understanding of why! A very powerful healer for this time.

Lemurian Pink Quartz
Removes emotional and karmic hurts from heart. Instills unconditional and compassionate love. Removes ties and dissolves abused heart energy imprints from Lemuria and Atlantis. Encourages independence in your present life.

Lemurian with Sand (from Serra Do Cabral Mountains, Brazil)
Teaches us how to be both individuals and part of the universe. All beings are equal.
They are found lying separate in a bed of pink sand, unattached to clusters. It is said that they were placed there for us to find.

Lens Quartz
A window to other dimensions. A mirror to reflect your inner self. Sit and gaze into the crystal and let go so that self healing can happen.

Leopardite (Jasper)
Promotes acceptance and understanding of yourself and others. Good for judgement of self or others.
Peaceful energy helps with letting go of conflict, insecurity and loss of control. Helps us to connect to inner wisdom.

Cleans electromagnetic pollution, good for computers. Dissipates negativity. Accesses Akashic records. Reduces stress and depression. A stone of transition, calming and supportive during deep emotional distress.
Healing – Strengthens immune system, relieves exhaustion, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, Bipolar and anorexia.

Lightning Struck Quartz
They are extremely rare. Good for recovering from shock and trauma. It can be used to focus and transfer light energy to where it is needed. Brings the energy of love like a lightning bolt. Breaks the shackles of fear and barriers, so that the way becomes clear. It is believed to hold information from Lemuria and healing techniques from other worlds.
Healing – Speeds up the healing process.

Variety of oxides of iron. Helps you to achieve stability and comfort. Provides strength and vitality, also protection against negative thoughts and when there is no clarity.
Healing – Dispels fevers, treats liver and jaundice, dehydration, assists the absorption of iron and calcium.

Natural antidepressant it’s healing energies gently lifts depression. Brings inner peace, releases from stress and negative attachments. Neutralizing ancient anger and grief. Purifies water and it is useful as a healer for plants and animals.

Lizardite (Kennack Cove, Cornwall, England)
Stone of Nature, strong healing vibration, clears all chakras. Promotes communication with Devic realm. Encourages you to explore nature. Boosts concentration by clearing and calming the mind. Balances mood swings and aids problem solving. Protects you against poisoning eg. Snakes, spiders.
Healing – Diabetes, kidney disease, menstrual cramps.

Llanite Llana – Texas Granite Quartz Orthoclase Feldspar
Good for disagreements. Promotes cooperation that leads to quick solutions. Turns negative to a positive outcome. Terrific stone for diplomacy and tact. Maintain balance in relationships. Helps you to see the whole picture before making important decisions.

Balances Yin-Yang energies. Can alleviate or lessen grief, fear, anger, confusion and attachment. Relieves burdens and increases energy. Attracts power, good fortune and love.
Healing – Strengthen circulatory system, helps bleeding problems, boosts immune system.

Lollingite – Morocco
Grounding. Gives you a sense of calm. Cleans the mind of repetitive thoughts and over activity. Dissolves self doubt. Creates a feeling of being present in this moment and of being fully in your body.

Malachite amplifies positive & negative energies. Protects the wearer from harm. It soaks up pollutants in the air and body, but should be cleaned regularly. Encourages us to step out of comfort zone and take a chance. Helps to break ties to the past. A very powerful stone for change.
Healing – Particularly good for cramps (menstrual & child birth). Aligns DNA & cellular structure. Stimulates liver to release toxins. Treats Diabetes when worm around waist.

Malachite Chrysocolla (marriage of Earth and Sea)
Releases emotional blockages. The combination helps to release fear of creative expression.

Promotes universal healing and understanding.

Marble Red
Provides clarity when meditating and recall of all dreams. Promotes strength of character and protection both physical and emotional. Helps you to find patience and determination in all situations. It can produce good common sense in matters of the home, heart and your core essence.
Healing – Disorders of bone marrow and viral infections, sore throat, lower back pain. Increases flexibility.

Metamorphosis Quartz
Crystal of transformation. Supports you during change, allowing you to see your pathway. Excellent healing crystal for all of the subtle bodies. Resembles Girasol, but what makes it entirely different is the optical qualities.

It helps us to see ourselves as we really are and to use the reflection of others for our own growth. Calms anger, tantrums and nervous energy. Provides energy and purpose when all seems lost.
Healing – Relieves dehydration, brings a sparkle to eyes and sheen to hair. Treats insomnia.

Heated with brass, iron or copper, dyed, compressed and stabilized.

Moldavite is a rare form of tektite. Formed when a giant meteorite struck earth. Therefore it is a fusion of extraterrestrial and mother earth energies. Talisman for good fortune and fertility, Enhances other crystals by lifting their vibrations. Extremely high vibration, which opens and clears blockages. It helps you to feel comfortable being in a body especially when you yearn to go home.
Healing – Rather than healing, it makes you aware of the cause and source of the disease, and then supports the healing process.

Mookaite is known for its anti-aging properties. It embraces the power of an ageless spirit which helps one to understand the correlation between the body and mind. It imparts the knowledge that change is possible. It teaches the vibration of a young spirit, which assists in reducing the process of physical aging. Mookaite offers grounding and a deep sense of calm to be able to make clear and concise decisions.

Moonstone – Milky White – Brown
Stone of new beginnings and encourages us to accept our intuition. Calms emotions in times of stress. Balances male/female energies. Helpful for shock and trauma. Calming for hyperactive children. Encourages lucid dreaming, especially at times of full moon.
Healing – Helps digestive & reproductive systems. Alleviates degeneration of skin, hair, eyes, liver & pancreas. Excellent for PMS, pregnancy and childbirth.

Moonstone Rainbow
Place under pillow where it will catch the moons rays to aid lucid dreams and calm sleep. It is gentle and offers strength while going through illness. Also helps to improve learning difficulties in young children and protects homes.
Healing – Assist with hormones, fertility, thyroid, womb, after breast operations.

Eliminates sarcasm and encourages harmony. Brings abundance and helps you to see the importance of family and friendships. Assists in the quietening of a restless mind by eliminating mental distractions. Releases depression and detachment from negativity.
Healing – Treats mouth, lungs and vocal cords.

Morganite (Pink Beryl)
Attracts love and maintains it. Encourages loving thoughts and actions. Calms a stressful life. Aids in the clearing of unconscious resistance to healing and change. Clears victim mentality.
Healing – Treats stress related illness and related illness. Oxygenating cells & reorganising them.

Nephrite (Jadeite, Actinolite)
Brings strength, fortitude, courage, protection, persistence and completion. Helps us to stand our ground.

Nuummite (Canada, US, Spain, Greenland)
The Sorceress stone, formed over 3 billion years ago. An ancient stone that can help you to move your spiritual growth quickly. Within this stone is the energy of magic and mystical vibrations of the earth. Brings good luck and assists manifestation. Also highly protective and a powerful shamanic journeying stone. When you are ready to face the dark side of yourself this stone will attract you to it. While it is releasing deep karma it helps you to let go of issues that have been blocking and holding you back.

A stone that is without boundaries or limitations. It works fast and with immense power. Nothing can hide from this stone e.g. fears & blockages. Extremely protective, forming a shield it blocks psychic attack and all negative energies.

Obsidian Blue
Opens third eye. Helps to find the core of difficulties and balances energy fields. Opens you up to speak your truth. Good for all spiritual healing (regression, psychic communication, divination, inner journeys)
Healing – Enhances night vision, heals eyes, spinal misalignment and circulatory disorders.

Obsidian Green Fleck
A highly protective crystal as it shields against negative energies especially when working with other people. It allows one to deal with emotional issues without reliving the past to do so. Assists in releasing old programmes and beliefs that no longer serve you to allow efficient shifts to new paradigms.

Obsidian Golden
Takes you into the core of a problem and into the future and the past. Shows what is needed to heal a situation, physical and emotional, other crystals are then needed to achieve the healing. Balances energy fields and eliminates the feeling of futility.

Obsidian Rainbow
A very gentle stone with strong protective energy. Teaches you about your spiritual nature. It cuts the cords of past regrets e.g. Relationships, by gently releasing the hooks in the heart. Draws off stress from the body.

Obsidian Red
Promotes vitality, virility and brotherhood for all of humanity. Treats fevers and chills.

Obsidian Snow Flake
Brings purity and balance, calms and soothes. Teaches the value of mistakes as well as successes. Helps you to recognise and release stressful mental patterns.
Healing – Treats veins and the skeleton, improves circulation.

Obsidian Silver
Assists in communication and prevents personal likes and dislikes from affecting decision making. Relieves irritability and frustration so you can focus on the task at hand. Good scrying tool when moonlight reflects against the silver sheen.
Healing – Relieves the pain of migraines, after surgery.

A warm fuzzy stone of the new age. A feeling of going home. Clears obstacles from your path and gives you the strength to finish life tasks. Promotes deep karmic healing on all levels. A stone of truth, self forgiveness and grace. Release old patterns and brings in new understandings.
Healing – Stimulates flow of blood, treats eruptions (internal and external), treats fevers and nervous stomach disorders.

Helps you to find your own strength in any situation, gives you stamina & foresight. It holds the memories of its owner. Heals old grief & sorrow. Overcomes fears & gives the gift of wise decision.
Healing – Teeth, bones, blood and feet.

A very fine and delicate energy. Aids in expressing your true self. A protective stone especially when venturing into dangerous places. Brings loyalty and spontaneity.
Healing – Strengthens the will to live. Treats Parkinson’s disease, fevers, purifies blood, regulates insulin eases childbirth.

Opal – Blue/Green
Opens to new impressions and encourages openness. Helps to see the world with new eyes. Alleviates emotional burdens and liberates feelings.
Healing – Detoxifies and regenerates the liver and relieves feelings of tightening of the heart and chest.

Opal Green Spots
Promotes emotional recovery. Helps to balance relationships. Gives meaning to everyday life. Cleanses and rejuvenates. Alleviates colds and flu.

Opal Pink
Activates clairvoyance. Helps to heal headaches that arise from a blocked or unopened third eye. Promotes tissue regeneration, heals blood disorders, muscle tension and spinal disorders.

Opal or Moon Quartz
This crystal has been enhanced with pure platinum; the molecules adhere to the natural electric charge which surrounds the quartz. The properties of quartz and platinum together produce a very intense energy. Cleanses the aura and stimulates the chakras.

Poisonous mineral. Enhances intellectual clarity of thought and reasoning. Associated with innocence, purity, goodness and emotional intimacy.

They are from the Triassic Age. Found in the Atlas Mountains, Morocco.
Here to help us find ourselves be staying in the now. A very strong energy for the heart. It allows our physical body to stay balanced and healthy because it helps us to listen to ourselves.

Peacock Ore (Chalcopyrite)
Can help you find missing or lost objects, it also often disappears to gain information and then returns. It can remove energy blockages, excellent for meditation. Maintains & enhances the chi flow of the body.
Healing – Assists acupressure/acupuncture treatments, bronchitis, fevers, promotes hair growth.

Stone of sincerity, brings truth to situation. Signifies charity, innocence, integrity and brings focus. Can help you to see yourself as you truly are by providing the reflection of others.
Healing – Digestion, bloating, increases fertility, eases childbirth.

Pentagonite (Cavensite)
Assists you to find and work with your spirit guides.

Protective stone for the aura. Neutralises toxins on all levels, purifies and releases old baggage. Activates heart and solar plexus. Helps you to detach from people & places from the past. Reduces stress & shows you how to forgive yourself & take responsibility for your life.
Healing – Tonic: regenerates tissue, strengthens metabolism. Aids heart, thymus, lungs, gallbladder. Helps in childbirth by strengthening abdomen & relieving pain.

Sometimes known as the Angel stone. A protection stone it also enhances meditation. Good for ancestral and family healing as it goes back to a time before the dysfunction started. As an elixir it is very good for releasing negative karma and clear entities attached to your aura. Carried on the body.
Healing – Harmonizes the endocrine systems, useful in the treatment of aids and cancer. It benefits cells, eye, lungs, and muscular spasms.

Petrified Wood
Helps to eliminate worries & concerns (change what you can & lets the rest take care of itself). Supports during the crisis period of a disease and shows you why it is occurring so it does not have to happen again. Also helps you to see when you are being judgemental so you can open up to acceptance.
Healing – Used for hearing loss, paralysis and to strengthen skeletal structures. It supports you though times of crisis created by dis-ease.

Pietersite (Templestone)
Known as the tempest stone because it is strongly connected to the storm element. A stone of vision it stimulates the 3rd eye. Dispels the illusion of being separate and helps to remove beliefs and condition imposed by others. Dissolves stubborn blockages and clears confusion. Releases you from promises made in past lives that have been carried into your present life.
Healing – Stimulates the pituitary gland, balancing endocrine system, blood pressure, growth. Helps the lungs, liver, feet and legs and promotes absorption of nutrients. Clears disease caused by exhaustion.

Balances and centers the meridians of the body, aligns physical to the etheric body, stabilizes the body so you can have optimum health. Stimulates self-approval, non-judgements and permanence to relationships. Assists you to recognize your blossoming spirit, the light within, and the real self.
Healing – Health of eyes brings eyes to their natural state. Cellular structure activates memory of each cell so that it recognizes its natural healthy condition. Once the cells remember they dispel disorder within their structure.

This crystal enhances brotherly affection and kinship. Also good for mental clarity, all hands on healing and all types of travel as it clears your energy field of all impurities and contaminants. Good for endurance, perseverance and tenacity. Supports you as you are going through lessons, learning, providing insight to your limitations.
Healing – Provide strength to atrophied muscular structures. Treats hypoglycemia and pancreatic function. Promote recovery after radiation treatments for cancer.

Increases stamina aids in completion of tasks. Helps to overcome physical handicaps & limitations. Encourages artistic pursuits and creative expression.
Healing – Fights fatty deposits in the body, increases oxygen to the blood. Eases processes of puberty. Helps counteract poisoning.

Prasiolite (Amethyst Green)
All the properties of Amethyst, plus its own properties of relieving tension & irritation, self respect and well being. Helps you to concentrate. Promotes harmony & balance in the mental body and eases wounds that have accumulated within the emotional body. Wear it when you want to balance your emotions, increase your energy levels and promote healthy relationships. Reverses bad luck & finds means to pay a mass of bills by an inflow of money.
Healing – Replace extreme dieting, ideal for obesity. Triggers immune system, Balance endocrine glands, relieves burns, scalds, eczema and allergic rashes.

A stone of unconditional love. Helps you to always be prepared. Seals the auric field to protect from outside influence. Can be used in the garden to bring peace and healing energy to this space, also helps to de-clutter your surroundings. Restores trust in the universe and manifestation. Relieves deep fears
Healing – Good for diagnosis. Healing for kidneys, bladder, thymus and lungs. Can stabilize malignant tumours.

Helps to break out of old patterns and conditions. Encourages you to speak with confidence and freedom. Also provides freedom from the material world and increases your spiritual path.
Healing – Treats hemorrhages, bruises, flow of blood from heart to lungs and purification of blood.

A stone of protection good for travel as it keeps away physical danger. Brings up memories of love and friendship. Helps one to see beyond facades. Enhances memory. Also good for removing your concept of abundance, or lack of.
Healing – Assists DNA, all disorders of the lungs, reduces fevers and inflammation.

Transforms and reconstructs energy. Repels negative energy and strengthens the aura. Dissolves emotional manipulation and mental influence from someone with a strong mind. Helps you to stay true to your beliefs. Promotes confidence, optimism and determination. It gets to the bottom of the problem. Releases emotional blockages
Healing – Treats bronchitis, regulates metabolism, strengthens blood vessels and eye sight. Dispels dis-ease in the physical, emotional and mental bodies.

Enhances the energy of other crystals. Attracts money and other objects of wealth. Helps you to see the steps to your goals. Releases creative blocks. Can renew connections to friends you have lost touch with.
Healing – Good for chills, gum disease, assimilation of B Vitamins, cleans the blood.

Rainbow Quartz
This has fractures within the crystal, which produces powerful rainbows. These crystals bring rainbows into our lives and are a very special gift from the diva of the crystal to open up love and positively.

Realgar (Red Metallic Arsenic)
Very unique and rare. This crystal is manly used to bring energy into the body. Reflects our true selves both positive & negative. Good for someone who needs more energy & strength. Do not use as elixirs as it is an Arsenic mineral

Is the quintessential gemstone of love and compassion.  Rhodochrosite brings true joy to one’s life, heals old wounds and makes it possible to love oneself and others unconditionally. Helps to confront irrational fears and paranoia, lifts depressed mood bringing lightness to life.
Healing – Good for Asthma, Kidneys, poor eyesight, blood pressure, relieves migraines.

Nurtures & supports & encourages love & the ability to see both sides of the issue.
A known first aid stone – heals emotional shock & trauma. It clears away emotional wounds & scars from the past, releases & cleanses resentment & anger. Encourages forgiveness so the self-destructive emotions no longer cause disease.
Healing – Excellent wound healer, reduces scarring. Promotes bone growth, good for arthritis, autoimmune disease, stomach ulcers and M.S.

Rose Quartz
Unconditional love and peace. Purifies heart, calms and reassumes. Attracts love to you and from you. Brings self-love and acceptance. Releases unexpressed emotions and heartache. Comforts grief. Encourages self forgiveness and trust.
Healing – Heart, circulation, kidneys, adrenals. Increases fertility, soothes burns. Helpful in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Rose Selenite
The flowers of the crystal realm. They are like little rays of the sun helping you to open your heart. Worn over your heart, stimulates your awareness of the beauty within and that surrounds you. Helps to release self imposed limitations, it releases the program and replaces it with an appropriate one. Can be used to strengthen affirmation and all positive thoughts.

Encourages passion and enthusiasm for life. A stone of abundance, it helps to retain wealth and passion. It can bring up anger and encourages positive thoughts. It stimulates the mind so that it becomes sharp with awareness and concentration. Ruby overcomes exhaustion and yet can calm hyperactivity.
Healing – It detoxifies the body, blood, lymph and treats fevers. Good for heart and circulation. Stimulates adrenals, kidneys and spleen.

Ruby Fuchsite (Anyolite)
This combination amplifies the bio-magnetic field around the body and is very helpful in soul healing and promoting self-worth. Encourages creativity, disperses lethargy and brings repressed feelings to the surface. Good for soul healing and past life work.
Healing – Detoxifies body, blood, lymph and treats fevers. Helps heart, kidneys and reproductive organs.

Ruby Kyanite (Rock)
Encourages passion and enthusiasm for life. Brings up anger and encourages positive thoughts. Overcomes exhaustion, calms hyperactivity. Encourages you to speak your truth. Cuts through fears and blockages.
Healing – Lowers blood pressure, releases excess weight. Detoxes the whole body. Good for heart, stimulates adrenals.

Ruby Star
Good for increasing vitality to life, energises and balances. Encourages passion for life. Shields psychic attack. Aids in retaining wealth. Will bring up anger.
A dynamic stone charging up passion and enthusiasm. Overcomes exhaustion and yet will calm hyperactivity.
Healing – Detoxifies blood lymph, treats fevers. Good for heart and kidneys

It cleanses and energizes the aura. It draws off negative energy & cleans away barriers to your growth. Helps to let go of the past. Soothes dark moods & lifts your energy. Connects you to your past and the plan for the present.
Healing – Increase fertility, excellent for exhaustion, thyroid and bronchitis.

Rutelated Tourmaline
This stone forms a protective shield around the body, from things like cell phones. Has a strong connection to the Devic Kingdom. Releases tension, depressions. Promotes compassion, inspiration & prosperity.
Healing – The striations along the side of the tourmaline enhance energy flow through the body, removing blockages and encouraging healing.

Salt Lamps
Salt lamps when on have many advantages over normal ionizers. They improve the general atmosphere of any room. The Salt lamp binds the negative ions with excess positive ions. When it becomes warm, it absorbs moisture and the crystal will be damp on the surface. This builds up the ion field. Placing a Salt lamp next to a television or computer reduces the electromagnetic field that these produce. Over exposure results in nervousness, insomnia, lack of concentration and accumulation of more free radicals in the body, known to be a cause of cancer.
Healing – Tests done with kids who have ADHD have shown that after 1 week of having the lamp on their symptoms subsided. When the lamp is removed the symptoms return. Also helps relieving the symptoms of Asthma and allergies in general.

Sand Dollars (skeleton of starfish or sea lily)
Legend says they represent the wounds of Christ. Looks like the star of Bethlehem, a symbol of peace. When broken open, five doves are set free to bring peace and goodwill to the world. Another legend is they are the coins of mermaids washed up on the shore after they have dropped them.

Known as the wisdom stone. Calms the mind and releases unwanted thoughts and tension. It aligns physical, mental and spiritual confusion. It can attract gifts of all kinds, brings prosperity.
Healing – Calms over active body systems, regulates glands. Heals eyes by removing impurities. Treats blood disorders, strengthens veins.
Blue – seeks spiritual truth with love and purity. Transmutes negative energies. Helps to express yourself by speaking your truth.

Sapphire Star
Has a star shaped formation in its depths. A very rare stone, it opens your intuition and centering thoughts and aids in knowing others intentions.
Healing – Calms over active body systems, heals the eyes, removing stress, treats blood disorders.

Sardonyx is a stone of protection and strength. It promotes integrity and virtuous conduct especially in the pursuit of career goals. Sardonyx attracts friends and good fortune. It brings lasting happiness and stability to partnerships. Supplements willpower and strengthens character. Stabilises hormones and calms aggression.

Helps you to delve deep within yourself so you can find solutions to present and past problems. Encourages independence, strength to make changes, stamina and clarity to reach a goal.
Healing – Cataracts, glaucoma, dis-alignment of iris, dyslexia. Treats bone disorders and constriction of veins. Increases calcium assimilation.

Opens channels to other worlds and ancient civilizations. Enhances team spirit in groups and organizations. Helps to get to the basis of a problem so you can regain self control and create a preferred reality.
Healing – Spinal alignment, expels parasites from body. Heals disorders related to eyes, cortex and lungs. Dissolves blood clots, clears arterial walls and enhances circulation.

Brings clarity of mind allowing to higher Angelic understanding. Calming stone installing deep peace. It pinpoints lessons and issues that are still unfinished and how to work on them. Clears confusion and helps you to see clearly. Non-judgemental is another one of its gifts.
Healing – Aligns spinal column promoting flexibility. Neutralises poisoning from dental amalgam. Excellent for breastfeeding

Selenite Fishtail (Angel Wings)
Brings about major transformation when everything feels too difficult. Helps with abundance on all levels. Reminds us we are only limited by our own perceptions and beliefs. Placed under your pillow, it will connect you to your higher self.

Selenite Orange
Encourages a friendly, productive atmosphere. Good for persuading children to do homework etc. Encourages people to buy. Helps you to feel secure at night. Encourages creativity, pride and pleasure in work and flexibility in the workplace
Healing – Assists with food obsessions, nausea, fluid retention, hormonal imbalance, prolapsed womb.

Septarian Nodule
(Crystalline Calcite, Clay Ironstone)
Enhances the gift of speaking to audiences or individuals, in a way that they stay interested for longer. Promotes patience, endurance and tolerance. It also supports the “always be prepared” motto, so that no matter what situation presents itself, you will be able to cope.
Healing – Promotes freedom of movement of the body. Also used to treat external tumours and growths, Degeneration of bones, teeth and muscular structure.

Promotes living from the heart. Can assist with looking at your life and making the changes needed.
Healing – Activates the spinal cord, release muscle tension, overcomes chills and promotes weight loss.

Aids meditation, opens psychic abilities. Assists in the opening of new pathways and the awakening of wisdom from past. Corrects mental & emotional imbalances.
Healing – Eliminates parasites, aids calcium and magnesium absorption. Treats hypoglycaemia and diabetes.

This stone heightens your vibration. Helps you to understand and communicate what you are seeing. Clears past life curses and commands. A strong protective stone. Can be used to develop physic abilities e.g. Automatic writing, telepathy, communication with extra terrestrials.
Healing – Good for tonsillitis, clotting properties of the blood. Clears blockages from cellular structures. Elixir general tonic.

Shiva Lingham (Jasper) Ganges River India
A stone of the Kundalini. It works on the spine moving and awakening energy centers from the base to the crown. Helps you to understand and flow with the moment as it unfolds rather than pushing the tide.
Healing – Balances fluid of the body, alleviates back pain and assists alignment of the spine. Increases fertility and relieves menopausal and prostrate disorders.

Shungite (Russia)
2 billion years old. A very positive stone, bringing with it a variety of blessings and a healthy life. It has Fullerenes which have powerful antioxidants. It cleanses water then infuses it with potent healing vibrations. It has been used in Russia for a long time and is well known for its healing miracles.

Smoky Quartz
Excellent stone for grounding and protecting, especially in time of stress. Eliminates & detoxes on all levels. Relieves fear lifts depression & brings calmness. Aids acceptance of physical body.
Healing – Excellent for treating radiation related illness of chemotherapy. Promotes pain relief. Good for ailments of abdomen, hips & legs, relieves pain, headaches. Dissolves cramps, strengthens back, fortifies the nerves. Aids assimilation of minerals, regulates liquid within the body.

Unites logic with intuition. Stimulates pineal gland & third eye. Installs a drive for truth so you can remain true to self. It cleans electromagnetic pollution caused by computers etc. Good for group work, bringing harmony & solidarity of purpose. Stimulates trust & inter-dependence. Eliminates mental confusion, calming the mind, allowing old mental conditioning to go, leaving space for new insights. Calms panic attacks releases negative emotions of guilt, fear, control issues.
Healing – Balances metabolism, calcium deficiencies, cleanses lymphatic glands, boosting immune system. Helpful for all throat conditions, digestive disorders. Cools fevers, lowers blood pressure.

Solar Quartz
Natural quartz that is sliced from stalactites. It is an energy enhancer that connects us to spirit and harmony. It brings emotional strength and uplifting with great power and energy. It has all the properties of Quartz.

Specularite (Hematite)
Reach for the STARS. Helps to release self-recrimination about your self worth. Very grounding, allows you to see the play of your everyday life. Can manifest the things that bring you joy.
Healing – Regulates the effects of electromagnetic fields. Keep on hand and near computers etc.

Promotes contact with all heavenly bodies in our universe. A calming crystal, good for the garden to stimulate growth of plants.
Healing – Treats muscular strains, sprains and soothes the skin. Stimulates immune system, increases red blood cells and balances red & white blood cells. Protects the teeth and gum disorders.

Connected with energy renewal and rejuvenation. Encouragement to keep going in difficult times. Enhances positive aspects of your personality. Helps you to accept success with humility.
Red – promotes strength and vitality, arouses kundalini.
Violet – spiritual development, astral travel.
Yellow – personal power, stimulates intellect.
Orange – creativity, intuition, balance emotions.
Green- love, compassion and kindness.
Brown – cleanses the aura, grounding, connects to physical body.
Blue- communication, channelling, calms sexual desire.
Black- insights into material problems, stamina, protection.

Vitorite/Spinel – Violet Spinel/Black Biotite/Snow Quartz
Spinel stimulates vitality, strength. Biotite helps to detox body and aura to release energies. Snow quartz gives stability and stamina. Vitorite activates all chakras, encourages rise of Kundalini power. Helps you to discover your lifes purpose. This unique combination gives your spiritual protection and direction.
Healing – Rebalancing the body. Excellent for convalescence and recovery from trauma.

Spirit Quartz
This quartz has an exceptional spiritual quality. This uplifting stone radiates on a very high vibration. Promotes self forgiveness. Pinpoints karmic connections and then helps you to realign the situation in this present life. Assists in the passing from our body to the other side and also helps the ones left behind to grieve. It cleanses other crystals and enhances their energy. Instills patience and helps overcome obsessive behaviour.
Healing – Realigns cellular memory. Beneficial for detoxification, skin eruptions and fertility.

Spirit Stone
(aka Yavapai Travertine) This is called Spirit Stone by the Navajo Native Americans, because they believe history is told in its layers. It is a highly spiritual stone giving access to the wisdom of past lives. It aids in the completion of emotional cycles and allows one to keep the lessons and release the drama and ego attached to those cycles. This semiprecious stone material is from the Paleozoic Period or about 320 million years old.

Star stone Quartz
Takes you to the oneness of all things and perfect stillness. Dissolves any karma that remains from ancient Egypt. Disperses tension and anxiety. Attunes you to the healing power of nature. Makes you more sensitive to your body and to the earth. Enhances all metaphysical abilities.
Healing – Works beyond the physical level of being.

Known as fairy cross. Believed to be formed from the tears of fairies. Enhances and strengthens rituals. Relieves stress, depression and addictions. E.g. Smoking (understanding how the use of nicotine keeps you from your spiritual path).
Healing – Treats cellular disorders & growths. Good for fevers.

Aids emotional stability, change and transformation. Helps to change your reaction to responses. Change can be confronting so this crystal helps to ease into change. Even though it looks a lot like Stilbite it has a different chemical structure, which gives it different energetic properties.
Healing – Aids autism, helps the person deal with their emotions. Treats blood issues, relieves stress, aids osteoporosis, also issues caused by overly alkaline state.

Used wisely, it can bring to you all you desire, just make sure it’s what you want. Helps you to recognize your gifts. Assists in tie cutting from relationships past and present. Gives you the courage to say no where you have always said yes. Lets go of rigidity.
Healing – Cellular memory, the oesophagus and stomach, cold sores and infections.

A powerful loving and supportive energy comes with this crystal. It gives you guidance and direction on your journey, no matter where the direction.
Healing – Helps laryngitis, brain disorders, strengthens ligaments, counteracts poisoning, by removal of toxins.

Brings a calming peace to it’s surroundings promoting love and understanding. Provides openness of opinion, companionship and positive behaviour for children.
Healing – Treats hernias, regeneration & elasticity of the skin, gum disease and stability of the teeth

Stonehenge Preseli (Dolerite) Wales
This stone was used in the building of Stonehenge. The Druids used them in all their healing and magical rituals.

Strawberry Quartz
Stimulates the heart center by filling the person with feelings of love. Connects to the center of the universe and brings forth information about the creation of planetary form and the reason behind it all. Guides you to live in each moment. Helps you to see the actual reasons you have chosen your reality in this lifetime. Used in Atlantis and Lemuria in healing ceremonies.

Stromatolite (fossil, one of the earliest forms of life)
Aids in the past life recall (run index finger slowly over a highly patterned large piece). Placed in the home it encourages love of family and traditions. Can help adopted people to discover and value birth roots while not rejecting their adoptive family.
Healing – Assists memory, eye problems, throat, teeth and bones. Maintains health in the older generation.

Teaches us to live from our truth and reminds our soul the reasons for incarnating. Answers all our ? As to “why am I here”, “where did I come from”, “who am I” & “what do I need”. Protects the soul from shocks, trauma and disappointment. Aids forgiveness and group difficulties. Encourages positive thoughts, brings light into any dark situation.
Healing – Good for pain relief, clears headaches. Treats epilepsy, autism, schizophrenia and paranoia.

This stone absorbs negative energies & emotions. It removes obstacles. Good for feelings of violence anger & fevers. It opens & softens stubbornness, rebellious & disobedience, stops repetitive & negative thoughts.
Healing – Good for fevers, swelling, it reduces fibrous tissue growths. Alleviates joint problems when put in bath water.

Sunstone (all colours)
Brings joy & sweetness back into your life. It lets the sun shine again in times of darkness. This is a stone to help you to unhook past connections with family. It lets you say no, removing co-dependency. A good antidepressant it lifts dark moods. Increases self worth & self-empowerment.
Healing – Stimulates self-healing, harmonises all organs, relieves rheumatism, aches and pains.

Super Seven (Sacred Seven)
Combination of seven minerals, Amethyst, Cacoxenite, Lepidocrocite, Clear Quartz, Rutile and Smoky. It never needs cleansing. It is said to produce electromagnetic waves which provide self-luminous quality, similar to the holy light which can be seen around trees and church towers. Promotes peace and harmony to guide one’s being so that a new way of thinking and doing become clear.
Healing – Used to promote telepathy, clairaudience, clairvoyance and creativity, to further healing on all levels and for healing of Earth.

Tangerine Quartz
Promotes inner self education. Gives strength to pursue anything you want.. Dispels fears of unknown, disconnectedness and isolation. Helps you to feel less vulnerable, more dispassionate, calm and at ease.
Healing – Reproductive system, intestinal disorders. Helps assimilate vitamins and minerals, weight loss and Parkinson’s Disease.

Tanzanite (Lavender Blue Zoisite)
It vibrates to a very high frequency linking you to the Angelic realms (spirit guides) and ascended Masters. It also can download the Akashic record. Enhances deep meditation. It changes colour depending on which direction it is held. Dissolves old Karma.
Healing – Works on head, throat and chest, dissolves “dis-ease”.

Is a meteorite and is believed to enhance connection to other worlds. It helps you to delve deep into the heart of a situation so you see the cause and effect and strengthens bio-magnetic energy around the body.
Healing – Reduces fevers, aids circulation and prevents transmission of diseases.

Clears the mind so you can move forward with ease. Encourages expansion in all areas. Promotes wit and wisdom. Discourages treachery and laziness.
Healing – Treats high temperatures, cysts, stimulates thymus to increase youthfulness.

Thulite (Pink Zoisite)
Norwegian National Stone found in Leksvik also South Africa
Inspires eloquent speech, to inspire others by your words. Builds 1on1 connecting with others. Helps you to be more at ease with others, especially if shy. Inspires enthusiasm for living, passion, contentment, happiness and joy.

Tiger Eye
Protective stone, useful as a talisman. Grounds people who are spaced out & can’t commit. Aids in collecting information so it can be used. Helpful in resolving conflicts, internal & external. Supports addictive personalities to make changes. Alleviates depression & lifts moods. Helps you to see what it is you really need not what you want.
Healing – Treats eyes, throat & reproductive organs. Helpful for repairing broken bones.

Tiger Eye Blue
Calming stone that releases stress. Helps over anxiousness and quick temper. Slows the metabolism, cools over active sex drive and dissolves sexual frustrations.

Tiger Eye Red
Overcomes lethargy and provides motivation, speeds up a slow metabolism and low sex drive.

Titanite in Quartz (Sphene)
Helps when you have lost inspiration or are feeling blocked and can’t absorb new information. Good for new beginnings (a house moving crystal) Also helps you to see the clutter both physical (at home) and in the mind. Brings focus and accuracy when filling out forms and checking the fine print.
Healing – Heals rogue cells that are multiplying. Auto immune system when it is attacking the body. Good for lupus, strokes & comas.

Topaz Clear
Helps you to see the Karmic effect your deeds and thoughts have. Purifies emotions & actions. Removes stagnant energy. Clears doubt. Brings joy, generosity, abundance and good health. Releases tension & speeds up spiritual development.
Healing – Aids digestion, fortifies nerves, stimulates metabolism.

Topaz (silver-blue)
A stone of success. Replaces negativity with love and joy. Helps to heal old wounds on all levels, depression and skin problems. Helps you to see the Karmic effect your deeds and thoughts have. Purifies emotions & actions. Removes stagnant energy. Clears doubt. Brings joy, generosity, abundance and good health. Releases tension & speeds up spiritual development.
Healing – Aids digestion, fortifies nerves, stimulates metabolism.

Tourmaline Black (Schorl)
Cleanses, purifies and forms a protective shield around the body. It has a strong connection to the Devic Kingdom, good for plants & gardens. Keeps pests at bay. Buried, it promotes growth. Banishes feelings of being a victim, Attracts inspiration compassion and prosperity. Powerful mental healer, releases tension, removes blockages. Black: Protects against cell phones, strengthens immune system. Brown: Grounding, cleans aura, heals dysfunctional family relations.

Tourmaline Brown Dravite
Cleanses blocked energies in the lower body. Good energy for Gardeners and Landscaping, connection to earth divas. Brings happiness or fulfilment of a dream or project within 6 months. Helps to overcome addictions especially Coffee, Chocolate and Alcohol. Assists us to move forward on our path.
Healing – Purifies Blood, eases hip and hip replacements, leg, feet, ankles. Helps to speed the healing of scars and ulcers.

Tourmaline Chrome – Green Dravite
Only found in Tanzania. Promotes joy, happiness and compassion. Balances all the elements of fire. Helps to dispel fears from body and mind that are associated with anxiety and grief.
Healing – Immune system, alleviates pains associated with heart disease, arthritis and gout.

Tourmaline Green (Verdelite)
Promotes compassion, tenderness, patience and a sense of belonging. Transfers negative energy to positive. Dispels fear. Rejuvenates and inspires creativity. It magnetises the wearer to abundance. Has the power to heal plants. Helps with application of herbs and remedies. Aids sleep and quiets the mind.
Healing – Eyes, heart, thymus, immune system and weight loss. Relieves exhaustion. Detoxes and works on constipation and diarrhoea. Reduces claustrophobia. Good for hyperactive children. Realigns the spine and strained muscles.

Tourmaline Watermelon
Stimulates heart bringing life and energy to all endeavours. Encourages you to look past the seriousness of a situation so you can recognize the benefit. Helps you to see the beauty in all things. Also inspires tact.

Trolleite with Lazulite
It connects to your deep cellular memories of your life’s journey. Calming and soothing in times of crisis and when the negative memories slowly come to the surface from the past. Holding this stone when meditating will deepen you to your inner self. Helps you to let go of old fears and gives you insights to the answers of why and how to move on.
Healing – Harmonising the endocrine system and boosts the immune system. Reduces sun sensitivity. Treats addictive behaviours and headaches.

Turquinite (Howlite Dyed)
Balances and evens out mood fluctuations and brings inner peace. Has all the properties of howlite. Calms an overly critical mind, selfishness, stress, pain and rudeness, increases tact.
Healing – Bones, teeth, calcium levels and leg cramps.

A stone of protection – said to change colour to warn of danger or infidelity. Releases inhibitions and prohibitions, which allows the soul to express itself. Explores past lives and the creation of your own fate. Protects against pollutants. Calms nerves when public speaking.
Healing – Reduces acidity, supports assimilation of nutrients, alleviates viral infection, detoxes, and dispels exhaustion, panic attacks and depression.

Turquoise Yellow
Healing – Tones and strengthens entire body, tissue regeneration. Creative expression; peace of mind; friendship, loyalty, protects, aligns and strengthen the whole body.

Ulexite – TV Rock (California, desert & mountain)
It has fibre optic capabilities. This stone encourages you to open up to your physic gifts. Helps you to read the energy of others. It will melt if placed in water. Can be programmed to connect to your angels.

Gently releases conditions blocking growth or change. Can go beneath the physical symptoms of disease so the cause can be found. Enhances weight gain and releases fluid retention. Also good for the re-birthing process.
Healing – Treats reproductive system, stimulates healthy pregnancies and healthy newborns.

Uvarovite – Garnet (Emerald Green) Very Rare
Symbol of precise and lasting love. A very special gift to give to the one you love. Brings good luck into areas that are lacking. A prosperity crystal that brings financial reward for your skills. Promotes independence, individuality and self worth.
Healing – Cell regeneration, heart and lung weakness, emphysema, plant allergies, liver, pancreas and bladder weakness.

Shows you how to conserve energy at the physical level. Aids meditation, shuts off mind chatter. Brings a deep inner peace. Helps you to find and follow your goals. Curbs overspending. Place in wealth corner and a small piece in your purse to retain money.
Healing – Used for breathing difficulties e.g. Asthma, bronchitis. Good for exhaustion and problems with bladder.

A stone of encouragement, hope and courage. Very helpful for invalids. It does away with pretence so you can show the world exactly who you are. Calm nervousness and brings peace. Aids clear thinking and increase perception. Helps self expression and communication.
Healing – Treats nervous system, abdominal distension and blood flow. Neutralizes over acidity, aids gout, gastritis and ulcers. Also relieves cramps

Helps you to see the other side of a situation. What is real and what is false. It has a balancing effect on all level, physical, mental and spiritual. Enhances your own knowing and self worth so you can make your own decisions and live your own life. Encourages enthusiasm for life.
Healing – Kidneys, bladder, increases all elimination from the body. Mucous, good for throat and thymus.

Vasuanite (Idocrase)
Promotes loyalty to mankind, good stone to give as a gift to newly weds, business associates & friends as it is a wonderful stone for understanding and co-operation. Assist in discovering and inventing. Unlocks and stabilises by clearing negative mental and emotional thoughts. Dispels anger, depression and fear.
Healing – Strengthens enamel on teeth, treats sense of smell, and aids assimilation of nutrients from food.

Vesuvianite (Idocrase) Mount Vesuvius Italy
Releases anger and negativity. Relieves feelings of claustrophobia, especially in relationships. Breaks the chains that make you feel bound to negative thoughts and actions. Speeds up healthy weight loss, where over-eating has emotional roots.
Healing – Helps digestion, relieves stress based illness. Racing heart and pulse.

Accesses your core soul purpose. It clears the veil from your eyes so you can truly see. Clears the Aura from negative energy replacing it with peace & calm. Encourages being in the moment. It links into the Earth energies so you can realign your energy.
Healing – Eyes (cataracts etc.) Spinal Alignment, Heart, Liver, Memory & Vitality.

Helps you to see the positive aspects of life. Alleviates despondency and brings balance back when life has thrown you out of balance. Brings recognition of the reason and the lesson you have with another soul. Heals past hurts connected to white witches practices and the suffering at the hands of the Christian Churches, making it safe again to practice.
Healing – Power to rejuvenate and clear away negative emotions that cause disease

Zebradorite (Orthoclase Feldspar)
Helps overcome tragedy. Brings great peace during times of physical and emotional trauma. Encourages co-operation in groups and individuals. Can help you to find different ways to achieve your goals. Enhances self will and emotional strength and courage.

Helps you to be true to self rather than influenced by others. It dispels laziness and destructive urges. Encourages recovery from serve illness.
Healing – Slow acting stone. It is a detoxifier, neutralising acidic states, strengthens immune system.

Is a stone of virtue. Enhances sleep, balances all emotions and self esteem. Clears mind and the aura. Maintains energy in times of physical stress. Symbolises innocence, purity and is here to remind us that we are all part of the whole, “all that is”.
Healing – Pituitary and pineal glands, spleen, cleanses organs. Helps with depression, fear and jealousy.

Alligator tells us that an opportunity is about to unfold and develop new wisdom. Wisdom that could swallow you up if not used carefully. It has primal energies of the mother, feminine creative forces.

They come in many shapes and forms, always there surrounding us in love and guidance. Never interfering, just there for us whenever we need them. Be aware every minute of every day, as Angels touch and talk to us all the time.

Archangel Gabriel – White
Angel of revelation and communication. Ask his help to clear confusion so you can make decisions and have the strength to act on your decisions. Communicate effectively to others and raise and care for children.

Archangel Michael – Blue
Head of all Angels. He is known for his exceptional strength and courage. He fights for good to overcome evil. He protects and defends. Ask for his help to gain the courage to overcome their fears.

Archangel Raphael – Green
Angel of healing, his chief role is to support, heal and guide in matters involving health and travel. He is full of compassion for people struggling physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually. Associated with joy and laughter. He also works with the animals and environmental healing. Helps you to overcome addictions and keeps you safe while travelling.

Archangel Uriel – Red
Angel of wisdom, he shines the light when there is the darkness of confusion. Ask his help before making decisions, solve problems, resolve conflict, letting go of destructive emotions e.g. anxiety and anger.

Intuition, power, dreamtime. Bear shows you how to use power wisely, slow down, quite the mind, listen and all your answers will be answered. When it is time enter your cave within and rest, hibernate ready for a new your to emerge.

Blue Bear
A rare and elusive bear that legend tells us when it appears it speaks of life changes, the art of shape shifting. It knows when to be passive and when to be aggressive. It is patient and understands the flow and changes that occur naturally without human intervention.

Butterfly Transmutation & the dance of joy. A symbol of change, joy & colour. They remind us not to take life so seriously, it is a dance so get up & move. What stage of change are you at cocoon larvae or butterfly. If butterfly has entered your life it is time to examine your life & that all change is good.

He is infinite with no beginning and no end, self created, revealing his teachings to those who are ready to hear. Life is not good or bad, it is what it is. Be still, listen to your heart and trust this part of your journey.

Guardian ship, detachment, sensuality. Cat has the ability to observe without judgment. Make decisions and act upon them. Cats know who they are and what they want. They help us to understand our instincts and how to act on them.

Guidance, protection, loyalty. A loyal companion on your journey in this life and beyond. Dog shows us how to defend ourselves, our values and what we hold sacred in our lives. Also dog asks are we loyal to ourselves or are we trying to please others.

The Power of Breath & Sound. Dolphins teach us about the importance of breath and the flow of water. They show us how to enter the waters of life, breath and then using sound to ask for our greatest desires. If they appear to you or you are attracted to them, it is time to trust, flow, lighten up and have fun.

Active and attuned to the earth. Builds for future, leader of others. Strong stubborn, kind, and popular.

Reminds us to nurture our emotional needs. It can help you to navigate through all areas of your emotional life with grace and ease.

Symbol of royalty, fertility, strength and power. Elephant is all about caring for the family & community and having respect for all, young and old. If you are drawn towards this totem, clouds are also important to you. Elephants with trunks up, facing in bring abundance (health, wealth and happiness), with trunks down facing out bring protection.

Symbol of good fortune. Placing fish in an aquarium in the South East corner of home or office helps to remove negative energy and bring harmony.

Frogs teach us to welcome tears, honour them as a way to cleanse and heal our soul. Frogs help us to acknowledge our emotional, physical burdens & any walls of defense you might have. Frog often comes into your life when new beginnings are around the corner. So embrace frog energy with trust and gratitude.

The lord of thresholds and gateways of change. Hindu God of wisdom and success, he is the defender and remover of all obstacles in every area of your life. His large form riding a mouse, challenges us to accept the situation, bear the weight of our reality and move on or be caught in the burden. He is the guardian who grants success. Best placed at doorways (gateways) to keep your space sacred.

Intuitive, creative, hardworking, excellent in business. Goats have an artistic eye, love of animals and are easily hurt

The monkey faced God. A warrior God who can help you to overcome obstacles by facing them with strength, courage and force of will. Supports in times of conflict and disputes.

Happy Laughing Buddha
He is here to help you laugh & find the happy Buddha within. He traveled the world without any cares and was always happy and surrounded by children. Placed at your front door facing out greeting people is his best position. Always have Buddha’s up off the floor.

Excellent sales person loves travel, needs freedom, adventure, can be moody or hot tempered.

She has four arms. In one she holds a sword to cut through illusion which blinds the soul, the other she holds the head of a demon, representing our release from our limited sense of self. Her other two arms bestow blessings of fearlessness.

Goddess of good fortune, beauty and well being. She grants everything that is needed for a life without hardship. Also a long life without physical problems.

Maitreya (Future Buddha)
He will reveal the teachings of Buddha again when five thousand years have past. So he is still a vision of the future.

Inventive mind, great commercial ability, difficult to influence, independent strength, common sense.

Owls are the birds of magic, wisdom & prophecy. They help us to see clearly through, beneath and around people and situations. Nothing is hidden when owl is around. Owl also reminds us to live with integrity and truth. Owl sees all.

Home lover, need for comfort and the good things. Practical and thorough. Hard worker.

Acute mind, happier behind scenes than out front, deep and intellectual, artistic and musical, good timing in business.

Quan Yin
Goddess of compassion, her name means “She who hears and answers all prayers”. Call on her when you need help to forgive yourself or another for all issues to do with children. She is all loving and forgiving.

Refined, tasteful, good at counseling others. Obstinate, need for close relationships and comfortable lifestyle.

Intelligent and determined, common sense, good conversation, good business sense, succeed against appalling odds

Vain, likes gifts and attention, early to rise, will go after the best.

The goddess of revelation, song and learning. Also she represents the rite of spiritual practice and knowledge.

Authority and responsibility. It shows us the need to respect our need for boundaries within our home and community. Also respect for oneself and others, never splash around in waters that are not intended for you.

Shiva (with Cow)
The Lord of Dance. With its immeasurable compassion and mercy, purifies all beings from their past Karma and frees them from the cycle of repeated birth and death.

Reconnect to the ancient past, a time when all was simple and free and the meaning of life was known to all.

Reserved and private, inventive mind, enterprise, outgoing, friendly, glamour, love of show business, self reliant.

Sparkling personality, sense of humour, rebelliousness and ambitious. The tiger is also trustworthy, realistic and lucky.

The Shell – a symbol of heaven. The Under belly symbol of earth. Turtles usually show themselves in times of turmoil & stress. It asks us to slow down, retreat into our home and take another look at your situation.

The unicorn represents purity, gentleness, wisdom and longevity. It is pure and incorruptible. The horn is said to hold the cure for all poisons – physical and emotional.

Creation, power of song, record keeper.
Whale can teach how to use the breath of life and manifest your dreams. Open your creativity add colour and joy to your life. Don”t become lost in illusion (beaching yourself), stay aware, listen to your song.

54 Pyramid Sided Cube (Sacred Geometry)
Good for gridding, healing, dreams and meditation. Utilises two geometric shapes – the cube and the pyramid.
Cube – focuses your energies, grounding, removes tension and stress.
Pyramid – inner quest, seeking contact with your inner divine being.

Bridge Quartz
A bridge grows out of the larger crystal. It bridges the gap and brings it together. Helpful for public speaking.

Sacred Geometry Shape. Element of Earth (grounding). Energy of Star Sign Cancer.
Promotes patience, allowing all things to develop in their own time. Balances and stabilizes the surrounding area.

Enhances harmony and peace in all environments. Radiates energy out to the environment and absorb negative energies. They can be programmed and placed where they can do their work.

Dichroic (Metallic Oxide – Copper-Silver-Gold)
It was created originally for space/laser industries by NASA. Dichroic means two colours. Helpful for seeing past illusions, communication with star beings. Brings joy into your life.

Egg Shape
Can be used for scanning etheric fields, showing up cloudy areas. The shape allows itself to fit nicely into the palm of your hand during meditation, bringing calmness of the mind and body.

They hold and amplify energy within themselves. Their cave like shape and many points diffuse and amplify energy, softening but not neutralising it allowing it to flow slowly. Good for protection and personal growth. Helps to break addiction.

A heart shaped crystal bestows love and truth to the giver and receiver. A feeling of peace and security accompanies this shape.

Lemurian Master Pyramid
Based in Sacred Geometry it helps to amplify and focus energy. Good for griding and energy sessions when extra energy is needed. Place on solar plexis or third eye for amplified healing or meditation.

Balances and revives the two sides of the brain. Assists us on our spiritual path and enables us to experience unconditional love. A powerful healing and protective symbol.

The moon represents emotion and instinct patterns and karmic influences on a subconscious level. The full moon shines a light on all your old tapes, past life experiences, hidden fears buried deep in your psyche

Obelisk (Pyramid Apex)
Connection with ancient Egypt. It stimulates the marking of time. Helps one to realise “As Above So below”

Orgone describes the universal energy and substances of life. They are made of crystals, metals and an organic component (resin). They can purify atmosphere, water, repel pests, help plant growth. They inspire balance and joyful behavior, negate effects of electromagnetic radiation. The larger ones are good for homes and offices.
Healing – Insomnia, nightmares, generate better moods and wellness. Place under bed for a deep sleep.

The Pendulum helps you to listen to your knowing by answering your questions without the mind getting in the way.

Has ghost like image in crystal. Points way towards growth, helps to move you on your next step.

Points – Abundance
Consists of 1 long quartz with many small clustered around. Place in wealth corner.

Points – Double Terminator
Points at both ends, radiates or absorbs energy simultaneously, stone of balance, bridge between 2 points, overcome addition.

Points – Generator
Generates healing and has 6 faces.

Points – Scepters
Used as a meditation tool it links the wisdom of the ages to now. An excellent healing tool it directs healing to the core of the problem. Balances fertility problems. They have come to bring the knowledge of the crystal power to the present day.

Points – Seven & Eight Sided Faced
These crystals stimulate the removal of obstacles on your path. They bring order to your life and increases the energy of manifestation. Melds the spiritual and angelic realms with the physical.

Draws off negative energy and promotes new and positive energy. Brings vibrant and loving energy to wherever it is placed. Amplifies and focuses energy through the apex. Good for manifestation. Placed on the third eye it enhances meditation.

Record Keeper
Raised perfect triangle(s) located on one or more faces of the crystal. Within this crystal wisdom is stored. Attuning to this crystal opens ancient knowledge and the secrets of the universe. The program within these crystals were placed there by the Atlantean’s and Lemurian’s. Only those with open minds and pure hearts can access this information. Rubbing the thumbnail across the triangle from tip to bottom activates the information. Closing by reversing from bottom to tip. Also placing the triangle on the 3rd eye, meditate and prepare for the information. If one is meant to have a record keeper it will find you so it can help you will your personal development

Seer Ema Stone
Permits gazing into inner realms of the stone. Opening up to sacred text and ancient times. Also helps to remember the time before birth. Promotes the understanding of past present and future.

Geometric pattern of lines, depressions and raised structures etched into the surface. These crystals have visible cavities in geometric patterns which can have clay minerals of different colours. The cavities are often layered or ribbed and sometimes are so deep that the crystal is almost hollow. Sometimes the cavities have liquid bubbles also known as two-phase inclusions. It is rare to find bubbles that move (enhydro).

Energy in all directions, window to past, present and future. Used for scrying or placed where it can emit healing energy all around your home or workplace. Good for groups, encourages communication.

Soul-Mate Quartz (Tantric Twin)
A pair of crystals about the same size growing from a common base, joined along one side but with distinct individual terminations. This stone draws a soul-mate to you. It teaches how to be unique and separate and yet be united with your partner. The closer the size the more balanced the partnership.

Protection against negativity.

Represents one’s hopes, aspirations and dreams. Five pointed evokes personal power, harmony and owning your own magical qualities.

Tree of Life
Wisdom, strength, protection, beauty, bounty. It is a symbol of creation and all that is. The tree provides protection and regeneration. The roots represent our beliefs, the trunk (mind & body) keeps us connected. The branches are us reaching out. All forms of life are connected to the universal energy and we as humans need to live in harmony with the rest of all living things. That is what the tree is telling us, all equal, all living as one.

Trigonic – Downward triangles on faces
High vibration, containing cosmic DNA codes. Takes you to the core of who you are. The triangles represent souls moving through lifetimes. Brings up unresolved personal or group conflicts for resolution. Their aim is to dissolve the war gene in our DNA, to help us to see that everything is equal and move us into unity with “ALL THAT IS”. Perfect for souls that feel trapped on earth.
Healing – Assist the brain, circulation and lymphatic system, fluid balance and swollen joints. In a Tibetan bowl, place a piece in water. Sounding the bowl transfers the vibration to the water.

Wands Massage
Traditional healing tool of Shamans and healers. Most wands are hand carved by man but have formed naturally. Wands are believed to have been used by the crystal healers of Atlantis. They are a powerful tool for channeled universal healing energy.

Symbolises compassion and indestructibility, like a diamond. Great wisdom and bliss.

Receptive, rules feminine, nurturing, protective, enduring, balance, unity together.

Rules masculine, forceful, drive and ambition.