Stone for the month of July – Amethyst

We are all feeling the chill in the air and wanting to cuddle up with our heater and blankets. It is the perfect time to reflect and have a clean out emotionally, mentally and physically.

Amethyst will help this process as it has a very strong healing and cleansing energy. It will help you to turn the negative in your life right now into more positive responses by removing blockages on all levels.

Now is a good time with what is happening globally to see where we need to make changes, look at what we are addicted to (not just substances) in our lives.

Amethyst is a quartz that is coloured purple by traces of iron. True to its name, the purple coloured Amethyst stands for sobriety, concentration and mental alertness. It has always been an interest of mankind to process experiences and perceptions and to surround itself with clarifying ritual support. The Amethyst can help direct the attention from the surroundings to the inner being. The inner world of images, nocturnal dreams and other “inherited burdens” can be processed and clarified – being innerly “tidied up” allows inner peace and relaxation to assert themselves. The stone can assist in discovering the inner wisdom inherent in every person and to become alert and open.

Intuition and inspiration are sensitized and their own judgement is thereby strengthened. According to a legend, the Amethyst is to this day still used in the jewellery worn by clergymen because of the reputed disillusioning powers of the stone, apparently making one pure and honorable.